

The Research and Implementation on Method of Synchronous Control of Elevating Stages

【作者】 马卫南

【导师】 汤子龙;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的迅速发展和人们生活水平的提高,观众对文化艺术的追求也随之提高,这就促使了国家对文化产业的资金投入不断增多,越来越多规模各异的现代剧场涌现于国内的各大城市。由于现代剧场的规模不断扩大,对舞台控制技术也相应的提出了更高的要求。在现代舞台机械控制技术中,控制对象多成为了一个显著的特点,因此多电机的同步控制技术也成为舞台控制中一项重要技术。系统中的设备同步运行与否,直接影响到整个系统的正常运行,严重时可能会导致演出的失败以及引发安全事故。舞台升降台作为应用最为广泛的台下机械设备之一,具有快速迁换布景、制造特殊效果和气氛、满足剧目编导人员需要、随时改变舞台形式等作用,因此舞台升降台之间的同步控制方法研究具有重要的现实意义。目前的现代剧场中的舞台升降台控制多采用常规PID控制策略和主从控制方式,这种控制方式在受到外界干扰以及一些其他环境因素时,存在同步控制效果不是很理想的问题。因此文中以舞台升降台作为研究对象,展开了对升降台之间的同步控制技术的研究与应用,其主要工作内容如下:首先,以北京国家体育馆舞台机械系统工程为背景,介绍了当代舞台机械控制系统中常见的一些控制系统,设计了舞台升降台控制系统的总体方案,并根据现代剧场的一些安全设计要求,进行了相应的安全设计。其次,针对现有常规PID同步控制策略在舞台升降台受到外界的一些环境干扰影响时,同步效果不是很理想的情况,提出了采用模糊自适应PID控制器,并采用偏差耦合的同步控制方式。对常规PID和在偏差耦合同步控制方式下采用模糊自适应PID控制器,在MATLAB平台下进行仿真研究,并利用PLC对模糊PID控制算法在工程中的实现,仿真结果以及工程实践表明采用基于偏差耦合的模糊PID同步控制方式较常规同步控制有着更好的同步性能。最后,对所做的研究工作进行了总结,并简单分析了舞台升降台同步控制系统中存在的一些问题,以及阐述了对未来的研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of standard living,Viewers also will enhance the pursuit of the culture and arts. This led the country investa large amount of financial fund to the national cultural industries, more kinds ofmodern theater emerged in our domestic big cities. Because of the scale of moderntheater has been a continuously enlarged, also put forward higher requirement for thecorresponding stage control technology. In the modern stage machinery controltechnology, many targets control become a significant feature, so the Multi-MotorSpeed Synchronic Control technology has also become an important technology in thestage control. Devices in the system simultaneously running a direct impact on thenormal operation of the entire system, In extreme cases it will may result inperformance failure and lead to accidents. Elevating stage is one of the most popularunder the stage machinery and equipment, have the effect to quickly change the scenery,to create a special effects and atmosphere, to meet the needs of repertoire directing staffand to change the stage form at any time. Therefore, the study of the synchronizationcontrol between the elevating stages has important practical significance. Recently, thecontrol of the elevating stages in the modern theater is use of a traditional PID controlstrategy and master-slave control mode, this control method is not very satisfactorywhen the system caused by the influence of outside factor and other factors. So, thisessay regarding the control of elevating stages as the research subject, includessynchronic Control of elevating stages of the research and implement, The following arethe main contents:Firstly, take the Beijing National Stadium stage machinery systems engineering asthe background, the essay introduces some control system in the contemporary stagemachinery control system, then an elevating stages control system scheme is designed,and also some safety designs have be done according to design requirements of themodern theater.Secondly, in view of the existing traditional PID synchronous control effect inelevating stages control are not very satisfactory when the system caused by theinfluence of outside factor, a deviation–coupling synchronous control method isproposed, and combined with fuzzy PID controller. A simulation platform according toboth traditional PID Synchronization Control method and fuzzy PID controller based ondeviation–coupling synchronous control method is constructed in MATLAB environment, and using PLC to complete the implementation of the fuzzy PID controlalgorithm in the project. The simulation results and engineering practice shows that thefuzzy PID controller based on deviation–coupling synchronous control method have thebetter synchronous control effect than the method based on traditional PID synchronouscontrol method.Finally, the research work in this essay is concluded, analysis about the problemsof elevating stages synchronous control system, and illustrates the research direction forfuture research.
