

The Research Based on Fuzzy Predictive Control of Coal Mine Local Ventilator Air Volume Regulating System

【作者】 杜旭红

【导师】 郝晓弘;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 局部通风是煤矿掘进开采过程中非常重要的环节,良好的通风系统可以排除和稀释井下的有毒有害气体,供井下工作人员正常呼吸,保证煤矿的安全开采。但是,局部通风又是复杂且耗电的过程。为了满足正常的通风要求,我国大多数局部通风机都工作在大功率恒速运行的状态,这样不但电能浪费严重,而且容易在巷道内的上隅角形成瓦斯积聚,造成安全隐患。针对这一问题,本文设计了一种模糊广义预测控制的局部通风机风量调节系统,可根据井下瓦斯浓度的变化适时调节风机风量,在实现煤矿安全生产的同时,又达到了节约电能的目的。首先利用标称对象的输入输出数据作为煤矿局部通风机风量调节系统T-S模糊模型的辨识数据,并采用在模糊C均值聚类算法基础上改进后的GK聚类算法辨识T-S模糊模型的前提结构和参数,采用正交最小二乘算法辨识结论参数。然后将辨识得到的局部通风机风量调节系统的T-S模糊模型线性化为适合于广义预测控制的CARIMA进行控制,并对此控制系统进行仿真。仿真结果表明,采用模糊广义预测控制的风量调节系统,不依赖于被控制对象精确的数学模型,在大滞后、时变、多干扰的风量调节系统中工作稳定、适应性好、抗干扰能力强。

【Abstract】 Local ventilation is a very important part of the underground tunneling miningprocess; the underground toxic and harmful gases can be ruled out and diluted by a goodventilation, for the normal breathing of the underground work staff to ensure theeffective exploitation of coal mine safety.However, local ventilation is a complex andpower-hungry process. In order to meet the normal ventilation requirements, themajority of our local fan often work in high-power constant-speed running state, it willnot only serious energy waste, but also easy to form the gas accumulation in the uppercorner, resulting in a safety hazard. For this problem, a fuzzy generalized predictivecontrol of the local fan air volume control system is designed which can adjust the fanflow according to the underground gas concentration changes in a timely manner, butalso to achieve the purpose of saving energy in the coal mine production safety at thesame time.First, use the input and output data of nominal object as the identification data of T-Sfuzzy model of mine local ventilator air volume control system,and identify preconditionstructure and parameter of T-S model with GK clustering algorithm in the fuzzyC-means clustering algorithm based on improved and the conclusion parameter with theorthogonal least squares algorithm. Then, the T-S fuzzy model of the identification oflocal ventilator air volume control system is linear into suitable generalized predictivecontrol of CARIMA to control, this control system simulation.Simulation results show that fuzzy generalized predictive control for air volumesystem, does not rely on the accurate mathematical model of the controlled object, forthe large time delay, large inertia, much interfere problems of air volume control system,This control system is stable, good adaptability, strong anti-interference ability.

  • 【分类号】TP273.4;TD72
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】220
  • 攻读期成果