

The Study of Fluid-solid Interaction Dynamic Response about Masonry Structures under the Action of Debris Flow

【作者】 王俊岭

【导师】 程选生;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于环境的受破坏程度越来越严重,泥石流灾害也愈加频繁和严重。它是一种全球性的自然灾害问题。给部分地区的人民生产和生活带来巨大损失,甚至威胁到人的生命安全。因此必须加深对泥石流暴发、运动及成灾机理等方面的认识和研究。近年来,各国研究学者和工程技术人员,从自身的学科领域和工作对象来研究和防治泥石流的,即试验研究加理论分析等传统研究手段。随着近年来计算机水平不断提高,数值计算和模拟方法来研究泥石流动力学已经成为主流。本文使用了有限元分析软件ANSYSWORKBENCH13.0对泥石流发生过程中的流—固耦合问题进行分析研究。通过模拟分析,得到以下主要成果:1)流场流动速度是结构的应力和变形变化的关键因素。流速越大对结构产生的应力和变形就越大。反之,流速小时,结构的应力和变形就会变小。2)流场流体的前面部分,即与耦合面接触前的那部分流体,流速平稳基本与入口速度一致。但是在与耦合面接触后,此时它的流速快速增加。3)通过本文的模拟可以看出泥石流对一般砌体结构的破坏力是巨大的。尤其是迎着流体方向的构件所产生的应力与其他方向上的构件有着鲜明的对比。4)通过不同情况下的流—固耦合对比分析可以得出以下结论:泥石流流场越窄砌体结构产生的最大应力越大,砌体结构的高宽比越大产生的最大应力就越大,砌体结构的长宽比越大砌体结构的产生的应力越大,反之亦然。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, for the environment destruction is more and more serious, also the debris flows isbecoming much more frequent and severe. And they are also global natural disasters. Huge losses arebrought to the people’s production and life, and even a threat to the human life safeties. So theunderstanding and research about the mechanism of the debris flows should be deepen necessarily.In recent years, the researches and preventions of debris flows are studied by many research scholarsand engineering technicians of from their own subject areas and target audiences. Such as theexperimental study and the theory analysis traditional means, thus the debris flow motion laws cannot be explained by these methods reasonably and accurately. Apparently, these approaches areclearly lagged behind for the modern debris flow dynamics studies.With continuously improvements of the computers, numerical calculation and simulationmethods have become mainstream ways for dynamics of debris flow researches. ANSYSWORKBENCH13.0, finite element analysis software is used to analysis the fluid-structureinteraction problems which occurred in debris flow.Main results are got as follows.1) The flow velocity of fluid is the key factor for changes of the stress and deformation instructure. Faster speed leads greater stress and deformation. Conversely, slower speed goes withsmaller stress and deformation.2) The front part of flow field, which is the part before contacting with the coupling surface,has a steady speed which is equal to inlet velocity basically. However, the speed increases sharplywhen contacting with the coupling surface.3) The destructive power of debris flow on the general masonry structures is huge.Particularly, there are remarkable contrasts of components stress between the direction facing theflow and other directions.4) After variously analysis of fluid-solid coupling conditions, the following conclusions aredrawn: the narrowest of field with the greater maximum stress of masonry structure, the biggeraspect ratio leads to the greater maximum stress; the greater length to width ratio goes with thegreater stress, and vice versa.
