

Study on the Seismic Damage Loss Assessment of Highway System

【作者】 李杰

【导师】 林均岐;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 工程力学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 公路系统是生命线工程的重要组成部分,对人们的生产、生活影响巨大,一旦在地震中破坏,不仅会造成巨大的直接经济损失,而且因为交通设施的破坏,会严重影响抗震救灾工作的进行,导致更大的人员伤亡和经济损失。2008年5月12日发生的汶川大地震,公路系统遭到了严重的破坏,造成了约612亿元的直接经济损失,还因为道路设施破坏,极大妨碍了救援行动。地震应急救灾行动的基础是迅速了解灾情,其中一个重要环节就是定量估计灾害的损失。然而现有震害损失评估方法主要是针对建筑物的损失进行评估,对公路系统方面的研究很少。由于没有系统的震害损失评估方法做指导,使得评估结果缺乏科学性和准确性。因此研究公路系统的震害损失评估方法具有重要的意义。本文借鉴了房屋建筑震害损失评估的方法和原理,初步建立了一套针对公路系统的震害损失评估方法。1.讨论了地震灾害损失评估的意义与发展过程、震害损失分类与计算模型、公路系统的构成和分类、选题背景与研究思路。2.以汶川地震、唐山地震和海城地震的公路震害为主,对路基、挡土墙、梁式桥、拱桥和隧道的震害进行了分类。通过统计分析,得到了公路系统的几类主要震害现象,为公路系统破坏等级的划分提供了依据。3.对比分析了现有公路系统的破坏等级划分标准。根据调查“路段”的震害分布情况,把“路段”细分为“子路段”来评定和记录震害,并将道路分为路基和挡土墙来分别评定破坏等级。将桥梁分为梁式桥和拱桥来分别评定破坏等级,对桥梁主要承重构件的震害进行了分级,并给出了具体的分级内容。4.讨论了现有地震破坏损失比的三种确定方法及其优缺点。分别采用界限破坏状态估计法和问卷调查方法确定了梁式桥、拱桥和隧道的地震破坏损失比。5.建立了公路系统震害损失评估的总体流程。确定了公路系统震害调查的分区原则、震害调查方法和内容、重置单价与破坏比,给出了公路系统的震害调查表格与损失计算公式。

【Abstract】 The highway system is an important part of lifeline engineering and has agreat influence on people’s production and life. Once damaged in theearthquake, it will not only cause huge direct economic loss, but also seriouslyaffect the conduct of earthquake relief work and result in greater casualtiesand economic loss. The highway system was severely damaged and did resultin huge direct economic loss (about61.2billion RMB) in Wenchuanearthquake which occurred on May12th,2008. And the rescue action isgreatly hampered by the destruction of the road infrastructure. Earthquakeemergency relief operations bases on the rapid understanding of the disaster,and an important aspect of it is a quantitative assessment of the seismicdamage loss. While the existing seismic damage loss assessment method isfocused on the building loss assessment, not on highway system. The resultsof the assessment lacks of the accuracy because of lacking of the systematicseismic damage loss assessment method. Therefore, the study on seismicdamage loss assessment of highway system has a very important significance.Based on the method and principle of the building seismic damage lossassessment, the seismic damage loss assessment method for highway systemis established in this paper.1. The significance and development process of the seismic damage lossassessment, classification of seismic damage loss, loss calculation model, thecomposition and classification of highway system and the researchingbackground of this paper are discussed.2. The seismic damage classification of the embankment, retaining walls,beam bridge, arch bridge and tunnel are mainly based on the seismic damageof highway system in Wenchuan earthquake, Tangshan earthquake andHaicheng earthquake. The main seismic damage phenomenon of highwaysystem, which is obtained by means of statistical analysis, provides areference for classification of earthquake damage.3. The existing classification of earthquake damage to highway system iscompared and analyzed. According to the seismic damage distribution in"road section", the "road section" is divided into "sub-road sections",and theseismic damage is assessed and recorded on "sub-road sections". The road isdivided into embankments and retaining walls for damage assessment. Thebridge is divide into the beam bridge and the arch bridge for damageassessment. The seismic damage of bridge’s main structural member is gradedand the specific content is given.4. Three existing calculation methods of earthquake loss ratio and theiradvantages and disadvantages are discussed.The loss ratio of beam bridge isdetermined by defining boundaries damage status and the loss ratio of arch bridge and tunnel is done by questionnaires.5. The overall process of seismic damage loss assessment of highwaysystem is established. The regionalization principle, method and contents ofseismic damage survey, the replacement unit price, damage ratio, seismicdamage survey form and loss calculation formula are determined in this paper.
