

The Study on the Problems and Innovative Strategies of CCTV-7Television Military Programs

【作者】 王莹

【导师】 王壮辉;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 军事,从人类诞生之日起就与人类密不可分,人类之间的战争就是最早的军事新闻。伴着社会的发展与进步,电视这一传播媒介开始作为大众了解军事信息的工具和手段,其利用形象的画面和生动的语言承载起了为大众传播信息的责任。目前关于军事新闻的研究很多,其主要倾向于纸质媒介方面,而对于电视军事节目的研究,至今还不是很完善,且它们主要是以中央电视台的军事节目为分析的对象。但在一些方面也有了比较突出的成就,主要体现在电视军事节目的现状、宣传效果、发展对策等方面。由于一些新兴媒介如网络、微信等的出现及广泛使用,传统的媒体如报纸、电视等受到了一定的冲击。认清电视军事节目的现状,抓住其宣传的特点与优势,针对现存的问题提出一定的解决方案,对于巩固电视军事节目,尤其是中央电视台的军事节目具有重大的理论和现实意义。总结前人的经验,提出了CCTV-7电视军事节目存在的问题及创新策略。在指出其发展现状及传播特点与功能的基础上,主要运用例证法、比较法提出了其存在的问题,这些问题主要体现在:创作观念、表现形式、受众定位、传播理念和传播者素质上。同时采用内容分析法,在对《军事报道》、《防务新观察》、《军事纪实》等多个栏目进行分析的基础上,有针对性的提出了作为国家电视军事宣传形象代表的CCTV-7电视军事节目,在受众的定位、内容的传播、传播的理念、舆论导向、节目制作的质量和传播者素质等方面的一些创新策略,目的在于,为CCTV-7电视军事节目在日趋激烈的媒介竞争环境中能够保持健康、持续的向前发展提出一些可供参考的意见。

【Abstract】 Military, from the date of human birth and human are inseparable, the war betweenhuman beings is the first military news. With the development and progress of society, the TVmedia became tools and instruments by which the public started to understand the militaryinformation, and through the use of the image of the screen and the vivid language carried upto the responsibility of the mass communication information. At present there are manystudies on military news, and the main tend is to paper media. And the research of the TVmilitary programs, is still not perfect, and they are based on the central television station ofmilitary programs for analysis object. However, in some respects it also had more outstandingachievements, mainly reflected the present situation of the television military news, the effectof publicity, the countermeasures of development. Due to a number of emerging media, suchas the network, micro-letters and others widely used, traditional media such as newspapersand television was a certain impact. Recognizing the status of TV military programs, andseizing its features and advantages of the publicity, and proposing some solutions for existingproblems, is of great theoretical and practical significance for the consolidation of thetelevision military programs, especially the military programs on CCTV.Summarizing the predecessor’s research experience, TV military programs of CCTV-7Problems and innovative strategies were put forward. On the basis of the development statusand communication features and functions, using the comparative list example andcompariative method to put forward the existing problems, these problems are mainlyreflected in: creative concepts, form of expression, audience targeting, the ideas ofcommunication and the quality of disseminators. Using content analysis method, on the basisof analyzing the columns of "The Military Report","The Defense New Observation","TheMilitary Documentary", targeted pointed out as a national TV military propaganda imageCCTV-7TV military programs, which should put forward some strategies from the audiencepositioning, content distribution, dissemination of the concept, the idea of public opinion, thequality of program production and the quality of disseminators and some aspects. The aim isto put forward some opinions for reference to keep CCTV-7TV military programs in theincreasingly fierce competition environment of media stay healthy, sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期