

Study on the Methodology Improvement of the Numerical Simulation of the Thickness of Ice Caps in the Reservoirs of Cold Regions

【作者】 李冰

【导师】 白乙拉;

【作者基本信息】 渤海大学 , 应用数学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 针对寒区水库冰盖厚度的增长变化情况的数值模拟问题,改进前人关于冰面温度与气温关系的表达形式,确定了冰面温度依赖于大气温度的线性变化关系;改进前人的寒区水库冰盖热力模型,采用与温度有关的分段函数的形式代替以往一维热传导方程中经验性常数的导温系数,以气温转换后的冰面温度作为边界条件,并根据2008年、2009年冬季黑龙江省红旗泡水库地区现场观测数据,对水库冰盖厚度的增长变化情况进行了数值模拟。本文所研究的内容是国家自然科学基金项目(40806075)的一部分,本文的主要研究成果概括如下:1根据水库地区气温、冰盖表面温度的实测数据,改进文献中关于冰面温度与气温关系的正比例表达形式,以带截距的线性方程作为冰面温度与气温关系的表达形式,应用最小二乘法进行参数辨识,确定冰面温度与大气温度的对应关系,然后以气温转换后的冰面温度作为边界条件,对水库冰盖厚度生长问题进行数值模拟。2传统河冰热力学模型的一维热传导方程中,导温系数常常采用经验性的常数,将经验性常数的导温系数转化为依据现场观测数据辨识得到的依赖于温度变化的函数来表示,数值模拟水库冰盖厚度的增长变化情况,并将该模拟厚度与冰盖厚度实测数据、采用常系数导温系数模拟的冰盖厚度的增长变化情况进行了对比。结果显示用依赖于温度变化的导温系数模拟得到的冰盖厚度数据与实测冰盖厚度数据吻合更好,表明在河冰热力学模型中采用新的依赖温度变化的导温系数可以更准确的描述河冰热力学变化过程。

【Abstract】 According to the numerical simulation of the growth of the thickness of ice caps in thereservoirs of cold regions, the study has improved the representation of the relationship betweenthe temperature of ice surface and air temperature, justified the linear relationship that thetemperature of ice surface is higher than atmospheric temperature, improved the previous heatmodel of ice caps in reservoirs of cold regions. According to the observed data in the Hongqipaoreservoir, Daqing, Heilongjiang Province in2008and2009, we carried out an investigation onnumerical simulation of the growth in the thickness of the ice caps with temperature-relatedpiecewise function instead of the thermal diffusivity of one-dimensional heat transfer equation.This thesis is part of the research findings of the national natural science fundsproject(40806075). The major research findings are shown as follows:1According to the measured data of the air temperature and the surface temperature of icecaps in the reservoirs, the thesis has improved the representations of the relationship between airtemperature and the temperature of ice surface, treats linear equation as the representation of therelationship between air temperature and the temperature of ice surface, has applied theleast-square method to the identification of parameters, and identified the correspondingrelationship between the temperature of ice surface and atmospheric temperature. Then anumerical simulation was conducted of the growth of the thickness of ice caps in the reservoirswith the temperature of ice surface that is achieved after the transformation of air temperature asthe boundary condition.2In the one-dimensional heat transfer equation of traditional heat models of river ice,empirical constants are often employed as coefficient of temperature conductivity. The presentstudy transformed the coefficient of temperature conductivity of empirical constants into thefunctions that rely on temperature change. In addition, a numerical simulation was conducted ofthe developmental change of the thickness of ice caps in the reservoirs and a contrast was madebetween this and the measured data. The findings indicate that the data of the thickness of icecaps gained from the simulation of the coefficient of temperature conductivity that rely ontemperature change correspond with the data of measured thickness of ice caps. Hence a more accurate description of the developmental process of thermodynamics of river ice with theapplication of the coefficient of temperature conductivity that rely on the change of temperature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 渤海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】O242.1;P333
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】66
  • 攻读期成果