

【作者】 王艳萍

【导师】 刘春艳;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 情报学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 Groupon是2008年诞生于美国的一家限时团购网站,其估值在一年半的时间就攀升到13.5亿美元,堪称史上最疯狂的互联网公司。Groupon的成功瞬间引发了全球范围的模仿热潮,我国也不例外。从2010年3月第一家模仿Groupon网站的“美团网”正式上线至今,已有3269家Groupon模式的团购网站,业内戏称“千团大战”。面对着竞争日益激烈的网络团购行业,如何利用其优势,规避其劣势,培养和提升Groupon类团购网站的市场竞争力,并以此制定出有效的竞争战略是十分迫切的。本文基于竞争情报三角分析法原理,从竞争环境、竞争对手和竞争力三方面阐述了Groupon类团购网站的竞争态势,并提出有效的竞争战略。首先,在竞争环境研究中,通过五力分析模型和PEST分析模型分别对Groupon类团购网站的微观竞争环境和宏观竞争环境进行阐述。其次,在竞争对手分析中,采用战略群体法和价值网图法分别确定Groupon类团购网站的现有竞争对手和潜在竞争对手,并结合波特竞争对手分析模型分析Groupon类团购网站竞争对手的目标、能力和战略等等。再次,在竞争力分析中,采用价值链分析方法对Groupon类团购网站的竞争力进行详述。最后,根据上述研究结果,构建SWOT矩阵分析图,归纳出Groupon类团购网站的优势(S)、劣势(W)、机会(O)、威胁(T),并制定出卓有成效的竞争战略,主要包括:SO战略(加大产品或服务折扣、创新营销推广方式,团购业务与移动互联网技术相结合),ST战略(产品集中化、加强团购网站的监管手段并完善相关的法律规范),WO战略(降低运营成本、市场集中化),WT战略(产品或服务差异化、创新商业模式、与实力相当的综合性网站强强联合)。

【Abstract】 In2008, Groupon was born in the United States, it is a time-limited group purchasewebsite, and its valuation climbed to$1.35billion within a year and a half time, and itwas called the most crazy internet company. Groupon,s success lead to the imitate boomof the worldwide instantly, China is no exception. In March2012,"Mei group buywebsite" which it first imitates the Groupon was formally established, so far, it has3269group purchase website of Groupon model, it is called "1000groups War" in theindustry. The face of such an competitive Group Buying Online industry increasingly,how to use their strengths and avoid their disadvantages, how to train and upgrade themarket competitiveness of the Groupon class group purchase website, it is very urgentto develop effective competition strategy.This article analyzes competitive situation of the Groupon class group purchasewebsite from the competitive environment, the competitors and their competitive abilityand so on, and it is based on the Triangulation Method of competitive intelligence,eventually appropriate competition strategies will be developed. Firstly. In the study ofthe competitive environment, I use the Five Forces Model and PEST Model to analyzethe micro-competitive environment and macro-competitive environment. Secondly, inthe study of the competitors, I use the Strategic Groups Method and Value Net Methodto identify existing competitors and potential competitors of the Groupon class grouppurchase website, and analyze the goals, capabilities and strategies of the competitorswith Competitor Analysis Model. Besides, in the study of the competitive ability, I usethe Value Chain Model to analyze the competitive ability of the Groupon class grouppurchase website. Finally, according to the above findings, I build a SWOT AnalysisModel, and summarize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of theGroupon class group purchase website, and develop effective competition strategy, itmainly includes: SO strategy (increase the product or service discounts, innovative marketing approach, combine group buying online with the mobile internet technology),ST strategy (implement centralized product, strengthen the regulation, and improve thelegal norms of group buy website), WO strategy (reduce operating costs, implementcentralized marketing), WT strategy (implement differentiated product or service,innovative business models, combine group buying website with strong comprehensivewebsite).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期