

【作者】 马晓杰

【导师】 郑亚楠;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着数字信息技术的创新和网络传播的不断发展,新型的传播媒介应接不暇地进入到大众的视野。而互联网和手机等个人传播媒介的迅速崛起和融合,使得微博作为新兴的传播媒介应运而生。微博的出现,宣告了人类社会正在进入一个全新的媒介阶段——自媒体时代。麦克卢汉曾经说过:媒介是人的延伸,是推动社会发展的动力。微博的大热更加实证明了这一点。微博的使用者作为个体声音存在,在微博这个平民媒介的平台上,人们有着充分的话语空间,有着绝对的话语权利,这也是微博从诞生之初,就受到人们热烈追捧的主要原因。在任何媒介时代,意见领袖的存在都是众人瞩目的焦点,他们的观点和看法,总是能在公共事件发生时,成为引导舆论的主要力量。在人人都有公共话语权的自媒体时代,意见领袖更加显露出它的独特性。因此,有必要对微博中的意见领袖进行及时而深入的研究。微博中意见领袖的形成和发展,特点和功能,影响和甄别,都是本文要论述的主要内容,尤其是它在社会舆论的建构和引导上所发挥的作用更是本文关注的重点。总而言之,微博的出现正在改变着人们的想法和行为,也正在转变着人们参与媒介的态度和认识,微博中意见领袖的存在有利于微博的健康发展。希望通过对微博这一自媒体最新形式的研究,对今后我国媒介社会化建设起到应有的作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of digital innovation in information technology and theInternet, the new Mass Media get more access to the public view.And personal mediasuch as the Internet and mobile phones the rapid rise and fusionTwiiter as emergingmedia came into being.Emergence of microblogging, proclaimed the human society isentering a new stage--the "we-media era"Marshall McLuhan once said, media is an extension of man, is to promote thedevelopment of social power.Twitter hit more empirical understanding of this point.Twitter users as individual sound exists on the civilian media platform, has a full wordspace and absolute right of discourse, this is why the micro-blog from the beginning ofits birth, being major causes of hot pursuit.In any media age, opinion leaders are the focus of attention; their ideas andopinions, always boot the main force of public opinion when the public event occurs.Everyone has the right to public speech since the era of media; opinion leaders revealthe uniqueness of it. Therefore, it is necessary to opinion leaders on Twitter for timelyand in-depth research. the formation and development of Twitter opinion leaders,features and functions, effects and screening, are addressed to the main content of thisarticle, especially its social construction and guide on the role of public opinion are thefocus of this article.To make a long story short, the emergence of Twitter is changing people’s thoughtsand behaviors, is changing attitudes and awareness of people’s participation in the media,opinion leaders in Twitter are conducive to the healthy development of the we-media.Hope that through the research of the Twitter media by the latest forms inwe-media, construction of the socialization of media play a proper role in China in thefuture.

【关键词】 自媒体微博意见领袖舆论引导
【Key words】 we-mediaTwitteropinion leaderspublic opinion guidance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3082