

【作者】 林伟

【导师】 刘裕权;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 教研组是中小学校进行教育与教学研究和教育与教学管理的最基层组织。教研组也是中小学教师进行教学研究的业务组织。在新的课程改革中,“教研组活动”被赋予了新的内涵,它对教师团队的专业化发展和学校管理的组织优化都起着举足轻重的作用。因此“教研组活动的有效性”问题日益引起各界人士的关注。在本研究中,其有效性主要从两个角度来表述:从教师发展的角度来看,教研组活动的有效性是指能促进教研组内教师学习提高,达到预期发展目的的活动。从学校管理的角度来看,教研组活动的有效性是指,通过开展各种形式的教研组活动,学校的各项管理措施得以贯彻落实,教师和学校行政人员间的沟通顺畅、有效,学校整体教学质量得到稳步提高。本研究试图构建有效开展教研组活动的理论框架,并据此对样本教研组进行诊断分析并提出行动建议。本研究选取成都高新区的四所有代表性的小学教研组作为研究对象,旨在通过它们深入了解小学教研组活动的现状,揭示有效开展小学教研组活动的影响因素,分析造成问题的深刻根源。从而为教师、教研组和学校提出改善教研组活动的对策与建议。本研究从以上问题出发,在分别介绍了研究的背景、意义、核心概念,并对研究方法和思路进行说明后,对前人进行的有效开展教研组活动的研究进行梳理,随后搭建了有效开展教研组活动的理论框架。接着,本研究针对影响小学教研组活动有效性的因素,从教师、教研组和学校等三个层面进行了分析。最后,本研究针对这三个层面提出了改进小学教研组活动有效性的对策和行动建议。

【Abstract】 Teaching and research group is a basic unit of school management and educational research. It is a kind of professional working group and a form of organization for teachers to carry out teaching and research activities. In the case of implementing the new curriculum, teaching and research group activities were given a new meaning. It plays a particularly important role in teachers’specialization and optimization of school management organizations. So the effectiveness of teaching and research group activities has attracted increasing public concern. In this study, the effectiveness is mainly stated on the following two perspectives: On the perspective of teacher development, the effectiveness of teaching and research group activities is refer to the activities that may promote the teachers in the group to learn and improve well and achieve the expected development objectives. On the perspective of school management, the effectiveness of teaching and research group activities means that the school can implement the management measures, teachers and school administrators communicate smoothly and effectively, the teaching quality of the whole school is improved steadily with the implementation of various activities of teaching and research group. This study attempts to build an effective theoretical framework of teaching and research group activities and accordingly diagnostic analysis the sample teaching and research groups and then make recommendations for action.This study selected 4 representative primary school teaching and research groups in Chengdu Hi-tech Development Zone as objectives of study. We intend to understand in-depth the present status of the primary school teaching and research group activities, and reveal the factors that effectively implement activities of primary school teaching and research group, and analyze the underlying causes of the problem. So we can propose the measures and suggestions that may improve teaching and research group activities for teachers, teaching & research groups and schools.This study, starting from the above problems, sorts out the previous research on effective implementation of teaching and research group activities after introducing the study background, significance and the core concepts and explaining the research methods and ideas. And then build a theoretical framework of effective implementation of teaching and research group activities. After that this study analyzes the factors that may affect effective implementation of activities of primary school teaching and research group on the respects of teachers, teaching and research groups and schools. Finally, this study proposes the countermeasures and suggestions that may improve the effectiveness of activities of primary school teaching and research group for the three respects.
