

The Christian Faith Writing in Korean Movies and TV Dramas

【作者】 杨羿

【导师】 李天道;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 美学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 基督教从对西方电影的渗透到对东方电影的影响,在文化艺术领域有了越来越多的呈现和越来越深的关联,或明或暗,或隐或显。随着基督教在韩国迅速传播,基督教精神已广泛、深刻地浸入韩国社会的各个领域,成为一个改变韩国人精神景观的重要因素。加之高度的工业化,引起韩国人的焦虑和疏离感,促使了他们在宗教信仰中寻找精神家园。电影、电视作为艺术的表现形式之一,关涉基督信仰书写的作品也悄然涌现。韩国影视创作领域与基督教精神资源相遇,带来的结果并不是主题的僵化,相反,却带来生机、带来对人性更为深入的思考。但是,对这一现象的关注是不够的,甚至是缺失的。已有的研究大多是从大众传媒、理论源流、导演研究和文化产业等方面去着力的,而对其中有着基督信仰书写的作品进行深入细致的梳理和分类,并作具体解读,是目前研究的局限,也是难度所在。本文借鉴了基督教与西方电影的研究模式,并在已有的相关研究成果的基础上,对韩国影视剧中“罪”与“美”、“恩典”与“救赎”、“爱”与“宽容”等鲜明的基督教思想进行解读。一方面,以这一新的眼光重新打量作品本身的价值意义;另一方面,透过作品去努力把握人的精神探索所达到的广度和深度。本文分为五章。第一章是概述,共分为三节,分别论述了基督教在韩国的发展与传播、基督教对韩国影视剧的影响、基督教的“罪”与韩国影视剧的“美”;第二、三、四章是对作品进行细读,分别以朴赞郁、李沧东和金基德三个重要导演的作品为例,从拯救的隐喻、信仰的疏离、性爱的救赎三方面展开了论述;第五章是写光照下信仰状态的真实呈现,“光”是电影的一个重要原素,与基督教的“光照论”有同样不可或缺的位置。本章结合具体作品、着眼于当下的生存困境,揭示了“罪”只有在光照下才能得以显现,在质疑、追问与寻求中,人才能不断地接近至真、至善、至美。

【Abstract】 Since the Christianity has penetrated into Western movies and has a great impact on Eastern movies, it has a greater and deeper connection with the art and cultural fields, whether directly or indirectly, visibly or invisibly. With the rapid spreading of the Christianity in Korea, the Christianity spirit has widely traced in all aspects of Korean society. It has become an important fact that changes the Korean spiritual outlook. The high industrialization of Korea, which makes the Korean people feel anxiety and solitude, also accelerated its people searching for the spiritual homeland with the religious faith. We can find more works with Christian Faith in Korean movies and TV dramas, which is one of the expression ways of art. The encountering of Korean movies and TV dramas creational fields with the Christian spiritual resources brings not the ossification of the theme, but the vital force and deep thinking of human nature. Unfortunately, today’s research mostly takes mass media, roots of theory, directors and cultural industry as the objects. We can seldom see the illustration of specific works with the Christian Faith, Anyhow, because it is limited and difficult.This thesis, taking the relation between Christianity and western movies as research model and the research achievements as the base, presents us with the Christian“sin”and“beauty”,“blessings”and“salvation”,“love”and“tolerate”in Korean movies and TV dramas. In one hand, the author shows us the works’real value and meanings with a flesh view. On the other hand, the author leads us to explore the wideness and depth of human spirit.This thesis can be divided into five chapters. ChapterⅠis a brief introduction. This chapter can be sub-divided into three parts, including the development and spreading of Christianity in Korea, the effect towards Korean movies brought by Christianity and the Christian“sin”and“beauty”in Korean movies and TV dramas. ChapterⅡ,ⅢandⅣare the detailed appreciation of three important directors Chan-wook Park, Chang-dong Lee and Ki-duk Kim’s pieces with three aspects, the metaphor of salvation, the alienation of faith and salvation of sexual love. ChapterⅤis a discussion of the real existing faith under light. The light is an important and integrant element of movie just as it is in the Christianity. This chapter takes some specific movies and the existing living hardship in advance, expressing that the“sin”could only be find under light and reflecting that the human beings could only get closer to the supreme truth and virtue and beauty by questioning, inquiring and seeking.

【关键词】 韩国影视剧基督信仰救赎
【Key words】 KoreaMovies and TV DramasChristian FaithBeautySalvation