

【作者】 赵俊

【导师】 勾承益;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “面子”在各种形态的国家中都存在,在中国尤为明显并形成了独有的面子文化,但由于中西文化的不同使面子的表现形式、内涵都出现很大的差别,在面子的维护策略上也出现异同。中国强调个人从属于社会,个人为轻的观念,因此面子也注重“积极面子”;西方强调追求自我,释放自我,偏重于“消极面子”。因此掌握中西“面子”的不同对跨文化交际的成败起着举足轻重的作用。“面子”问题在对外汉语教学中也起着至关重要的作用,如何正确地利用教学策略解决教学中面子障碍问题是对外汉语教学急需解决的一大问题。本文旨在对比分析中西“面子”的不同,并根据中西“面子”差异找出正确的面子维护策略,并在这种策略用于具体的对外汉语教学实践。

【Abstract】 "Face" in various forms exist in both countries, especially in China and formed a unique face-saving culture, However , due to differences of Chinese and Western forms of face, there are very different connotation in the face of the maintenance strategy also appeared on the similarities and differences. China’s emphasis on individual subordinate to society and individuals to the concept of light, so face also pay attention to "positive face"; Western emphasis on the pursuit of self, the release of self, the emphasis on "negative face." So master the West "face" of the different success of cross-cultural communication plays an important role. "Face" also plays a vital role in teaching Chinese as a second, face in the teaching of how to use the correct teaching strategy to solve problems is a big problem for teaching Chinese as a second pressing. This paper analyzed the Western "face" of the different, And in accordance with the Western "face" to find the right face different maintenance strategy, and in this strategy for a specific foreign language teaching practice.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2147