

A Study on the Organizations Construction of Village-level in the New Rural

【作者】 温慧峰

【导师】 钟小敏;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中共十六届五中全会明确提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,新农村建设是贯彻落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的客观要求。同时,新农村建设也是新时期为了进一步加强“三农”工作,中央作出的一个部署,新农村建设和解决“三农”问题是一脉相承的,是解决“三农”问题的关键所在。新农村的建设发展客观上要求相应的组织载体来承接具体的建设任务,而村级组织无疑成为新农村建设的核心问题,村级组织一般由党组织、村民自治组织(村委会)、和以经济组织为代表的农业专业合作组织所组成,三大组织是联系村民与党政部门、农户与市场的纽带和桥梁,对推动农村事业发展,起着导向性、推动性的作用。通过对村级组织建设的历史发展回顾和现状考察,系统分析了当前村级组织建设所取得的成绩和存在的问题,并且在借鉴前人研究的基础上和充分汲取村级组织建设所取得的创新成果,针对目前新农村的建设目标,提出了一些建设性的对策,以此来加强我国新农村建设中的村级组织建设,加快推进新农村的建设步伐。文章分为四个部分:第一部分:探索了村级组织的内涵及其在社会主义新农村建设中的作用。第二部分:梳理了建国后村级组织的发展历程,结合相关案例分析了我国当前村级组织建设的发展现状,从制度本身分析了我国村级组织制度建设所取得的成绩,总结了改革开放三十年来我国农村村级组织建设发展经验,为当前村组建设存在问题的解决提供经验。第三部分:对当前我国村级组织(三大村级组织)建设在社会主义新农村建设中存在的问题及原因作了分析。第四部分:是构建社会主义新农村中的农村村级组织建设的对策研究,针对当前我国村级组织建设存在问题,提出了相应的对策。

【Abstract】 The great historical task of the new socialist rural construction was explicitly proposed at the Fifth Plenary Conference of the 16th Session of CPC. The new socialist rural construction is the objective requirement of implementing the scientific concept of development and building a harmonious socialist society. Meanwhile, the new rural construction is also the deployment made by the central authorities to further strengthen the three agricultural works in the new period. The new rural construction is closely related with solving the three agricultural works problem, and it is the key to solving the three agricultural works problem. The development of the new rural construction calls for the appropriate vehicle to undertake the specific organizational task, and village-level organizations will undoubtedly become the core issue of the new rural construction. As the leaders of the rural grass-roots organizations and the perpetrators of specific organizations, the Village-level Organizations (VLOs) serve as bridge and bond between villagers and CPC and institutions, farmer households and markets, and they play a guidance and motivated role in improving agricultural development. Practice has proved that the construction of village-level organizations is directly affected the development level and the process of the new rural construction. As for the current status of village-level organizations, since the three decades of the reform and opening, China has made significant achievements in building village-level organizations, but there are still many problems in the development of the new rural construction. The author makes an analysis on the development history and the current situation of the village-level organizations and makes some constructive comments and suggestions for the current goal of the new rural construction based on the previous studies and experience gained form the building of the current village-level organizations in order to strengthen the construction of village-level organizations of the new rural construction and accelerating the pace of the new rural construction. This article is divided into four parts: Part I: Introduction of the content of the village-level organizations and its significance in the socialist new rural construction. Part II: Introduction of the development of the village-level organizations after our nation was founded and the current status of the construction of village-level organizations, combining with relative case studies to illustrate the current development status of the village-level organization. And make an analysis of the achievement that have made from the system itself and then summarizes the experience that have gained in the construction of village-level organizations since three decades of reform and opening, which provides experience for solving the problems existing in the current construction of village-level organizations .Part III: Analysis of the problems of the construction of the current village-level organizations (three village-level organizations) existing in building a new socialist rural construction and also cause analysis. Part IV: Countermeasures for the building of the rural construction of village-level organizations in building a new socialist rural construction. And put forward relevant countermeasures according to the requirements of new rural construction to solve the problems existing in the construction of village-level organizations.

  • 【分类号】D422.61;D638;D267.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】179
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