

Differences and Fit:the Comparison Research of National Identification in Two Village Models

【作者】 李国林

【导师】 雷翔;

【作者基本信息】 湖北民族学院 , 民族学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以湖北省鹤峰县中营乡三家台蒙古族村为研究个案,以三家台部氏蒙古族在两种村落模式间所表现出的民族认同为联系视角,并对其进行历时性比较研究后,我们发现这一支蒙古族在民族认同上表现出了差异与契合的二重性特点,即三家台蒙古族村的部氏蒙古族在不同时期不同村落模式中,其民族认同要么是以祖先和家族认同为主,要么是以民族身份认同为主,期间二者兼而有之,但各有侧重,而其契合性则表现为:两种村落模式下民族认同的主体没变,依然是部氏族人,认同的形式依然不出祖先认同、家族认同和民族身份认同的圈子。接着,笔者对同一民族主体在不同时期不同村落模式间的民族认同所表现出的二重性进行了反思,反思的结果是主客观两个方面的原因造成了三家台部氏蒙古族在民族身份认同的相关方面表现出了差异与契合的二重性特点。从主观方面来看,主要包括两个因素,一是三家台蒙古族村的部氏蒙古族在适应时空变换过程中所产生的各种需要所致;二是三家台蒙古族村的部氏蒙古族与周边他民族交往过程中的各种利益交锋所致。从客观方面来看,也主要包括两个因素,一是不同的历史背景所致;二是不同的人文地理环境所致。本文从结构上可分为三个部分:第一部分绪论为第一章,分三个小节,第一节主要介绍了文章的选题背景、选题理由及选题意义;第二节是与此研究相关领域的文献综述;第三节对文章在研究过程中所运用的研究方法进行了简要介绍。第二部分为正文部分,分五章进行。第二章主要对文章研究个案——三家台蒙古族村的概况进行了简要介绍;第三章主要回顾了蒙古族的发展历史,并结合相关历史文献对三家台蒙古族村的部氏蒙古族在明清时期的发展历史进行了历史建构;第四章把部氏蒙古族的家族活动和社区状况纳入两大历史背景之中并运用民族认同理论中的根基论对其进行了相关论述及分析;第五章主要介绍了三家台蒙古族村成立前后的历史状况,把三家台蒙古族村成立前后过程中存在的问题置于国家——民族建构背景之下,并运用民族认同理论中的工具论对这支蒙古族及其成立三家台蒙古族行政村的心理动机进行了相关讨论;第六章主要运用民族学常用研究方法中的比较法,对作为同一民族主体的三家台蒙古族村的部氏蒙古族在两种不同村落模式间的民族认同进行了历时性的比较,从而指出其差异与契合之处,并结合历史人类学中的相关理论对其进行较为合理的解读。最后一部分为结语,该部分主要在前文资料分析和论述的基础上,揭示了民族认同在不同村落模式间的变迁规律,并在此基础上强调了民族认同研究对国家民族政策制定以及民族关系处理方面的重要性。

【Abstract】 This paper takes HeFengxian camp township in Hu-Bei province Three setsMongolian village as a case and takes the ethnic identity in two village models shownby BuShi Mongolian as to contact angle and carries on the comaprison, that is, afterthrough makes diachronic comparison to the ethnic identity of same nation indifferent village models, we find that the Mongolian in national identification borrowsthe differences and agree with dual characteristics, that is, three sets of Mongolianvillage of Mongolian’s in different periods in different villages mode, the nationalidentity is either ancestors and family identity is given priority to, or national identityis give priority to, during both, but each has records, and the correspondence isbehaved for: two villages mode of ethnic identity, main body did not change, it is stillthe department clan, the identity of the ancestors still form identity, and familyidentity and national identity of the circle. Then, the author of the same nationalitysubject in different time between ethnic identity of village model shown the dualcharacter of reflection, the result of the reflection is subjective and objective reasonswhich caused the three sets of Mongolian identity in the nation’s related show thedifferences and agree with dual characteristics. From the subjective perspective,mainly includes two factors, one is the three sets of Mongolian village of Mongolianin time and space transform to Fahrenheit in the process to produce a variety of needsto be caused by; Two is three sets of Mongolian village of Mongolian’s and thesurrounding his nation in the process of interaction of interests caused by theexchange. From the objective perspective, also mainly include two factors, one is thehistorical background of the different caused by;2it is caused by different humanegeographical environment.The article can be divided into three parts from the structure: the first part of theintroduction is the first chapter, and there is three sections in it. The first quarterarticle mainly inttroduces the background, reasons and meaning of chooseing thetopic. The second section is mainly the literature review related to this field. The thirdsection is a brief introduction to study method in the process of study. The sencondpart is a main part, chapter five points. The second chapter briefly introduced the maincase the green situation of three sets of Mongolian. Chapter3mainly reviewed theMongolian development hisory, and comined with the relevent historal genre toconstruct historically the development history the department’s Mongolian in threesets of Mongolian village during the green period. In the third chapter basically puts the departments activities and community of Mongolian family situation into twogreat history background and use the foundation theory of ethnic identity theroy todiscuss and analysis. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the historical conditionsbefore and after established the three sets of Mongolian village. Then takes theproblems existed in two period into the construction background of country andnation. And use a tool theory of ethnic identity theory to discuss the psychologicalmotivation which the Mongolian and Mongolian administrative villages establishedthree sets of Mongolian village have exsits. Chapter6mainly uses the comparisonresearch among common research of nationalities to make a diachronic comparisonresearch to as the same nation to of the main body of the three sets of Mongolianvillage of Mongolian’s in two different between ethnic identity of village,and pointsout its differences and fit in, and combined with the theory of historical anthropologyto make a reasonable interpretation,and to discuss the relationship between functionchange of the father’s houses and national expression. The last past is the conclusion,which reveals the changeable regular of ethnic identity in different villages mainly onthe basis of previous materials and discusses. The last part is epilogue, this part of themain in the above material analysis and discusses, and on the basis of ethnic identityrevealed in different villages mode of change between law, and based on this, thenational identity research emphasize to the state national policy making and ethnicrelations of the importance of the treatment.
