

The Study of Histology and Endocrine Cells in the Digestive Tract of Salamandrella Keyserlingii

【作者】 任春宇

【导师】 李淑兰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 动物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 组织学观察结果显示,极北鲵消化道胚后发育具有一定的时空顺序:消化道各器官是按照胃、肠、食管的顺序逐渐分化并不断完善的,消化道壁各层是按照粘膜上皮、环肌层、纵肌层、外膜、固有层、粘膜下层和粘膜肌层的发育顺序依次出现的。而极北鲵成体消化道均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜等4层结构组成。Grimelius法显示,嗜银细胞最早出现在41期胃粘膜上皮之间;肠中嗜银细胞首先出现在42期;而食管中嗜银细胞出现最晚,在43期被检测到。而嗜银细胞在其成体消化道各部分均有分布,其中以直肠部分布密度为最高,胃幽门和回肠次之,胃体处最低。并且其形态是多种多样的:有圆形、椭圆形、锥体形和梭形等。根据嗜银细胞的形态,认为其具有内分泌、外分泌和旁分泌的功能。免疫组织化学方法显示,5-HT细胞分布于消化道全长,分布密度以食管部为最高,胃幽门部次之,十二指肠为最低。SS细胞除了贲门、空肠和直肠以外,其余各部位均有分布,且SS细胞在胃幽门部分布密度为最高,回肠部最低。Gas细胞仅在十二指肠和空肠中检测到。Glu细胞仅在贲门和胃体中观察到。SP细胞只在胃体部检测到,而PP细胞未检测到。极北鲵消化道内分泌细胞细胞的形态是多种多样的:圆形、椭圆形、锥体形和梭形。总体看来,内分泌细胞的分布密度和形态与其消化道的生理功能是相适应的。

【Abstract】 Histology observation slowed that the digestive tract during postembryonicdevelopment of Salamandrella keyserlingii had a spatial and temporal order: thedigestive tract organs was according to stomach, intestine and esophagus of developingsequence appear.The digestive tract of the wall was according to the mucous epithelium,inner muscle, external muscle, adventitia, lamina propria, submucosa and muscularismucosa of developing sequence appear. The digestive tract of the adult ofSalamandrella keyserlingii had the four layers: mueosa, submueosa, muscular layer andadventitia.The silver nitrate method of Grimelius showed that argentaffine cells were firstappeared between mucous epithelial cells in the stomach of Salamandrella keyserlingiiat stage41. The argentaffine cells were first observed in the intestine at stage42. Theargentaffine cells were appeared in the esophagus most night at stage43. But, theargyrophil cells could be found throughout the digestive tract of the adult ofSalamandrella keyserlingii. The distribution density was the highest in rectum, followedby pylorica part of stomach and ileum and the lowest in stomach. And the shape of theargentaffine cells were mainly round, ellipse, cone-shape and shuttle-shaped. Accordingto the morphology of the argentaffine cells, we suggest that argentaffine cells in thedigestive tract of Salamandrella keyserlingii have endocrine, exocrine and paracrinefunctions.Immunhistochemical observation showed that5-HT positive cells distributethroughout the digestive tract of Salamandrella keyserlingii. The distribution densitywas the highest in esophagus, followed by pylorica part of stomach and the lowest induodinum. SS cells were observed throughout the digestive tract except in cardiac partof stomach, jejunum and rectum. The distribution density of SS cells was the highest inpylorica part of stomach and the lowest in ileum. Gas cells distributed mainly induodenum and jejunum. Glu cells distributed mainly in cardiac part of stomach and thebody of stomach. SP cells were observed only in the body of stomach. But, PP cellswere not detected.The shape of the endocrine cells in the digestive tract of Salamandrel- la keyserlingii were mainly round, ellipse, cone-shape and shuttle-shaped.Between thedistributive density of five kinds of endocrine cells are adapt with physiologicalfunction of digestive tract.
