

Research and Implemention of the Environment Monitoring System Based on ARM11

【作者】 罗彩珠

【导师】 魏洪涛; 印新达;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代科技信息化和嵌入式系统的飞速发展,环境监控系统在军事、医疗、通信、工农业及人们日常生活中等得到广泛的发展,使管理更科学化,人性化,智能化,也使人民的生活水平提高了。中国的城市化进程越来越快,高城建筑越来越多,高层建筑消防隐患逐渐暴露出来。目前一些简单的家用救生设备已经不能满足人们的需求,为了人们的生命和财产安全,我们针对家用和办公设计研发了一款“智能电子保险舱”电子系统救生设备,便于人们在发生火灾、地震等紧急事件时逃生。随着现代科技的迅猛发展和智能化,人们对保险舱内在功能,舱内环境,信息处理等人性化,智能化的要求不断提高,也促进了第一代家用/商务逃生产品“智能电子保险舱”的诞生。本文在此款保险舱的电子系统的背景下,介绍一种基于ARM11硬件平台的微处理器S3C6410,配置嵌入式Linux软件平台和Qt应用程序下的环境监控系统的研究和实现。本监控系统的采集设备如传感器、摄像头、气体流量计仪表等将气压、温度值、视频图像等数据通过下位机上传至控制中心,控制中心将这些数据显示到触摸屏上,用户可以通过触摸屏终端,达到实时监控的目的。此环境监控系统主要分为温度和压强控制系统、制冷系统、供气系统、视频采集模块和电源管理系统五个部分,主要完成功能包括:通过气压、温度传感器实时监测舱内气压和温度的变化,自动控制排气和制冷系统;通过摄像头对舱外的火况进行视频图像实时监控与传输;通过气体流量计监控供气的气体流量从而控制电磁阀的流量大小。本论文首先分析了嵌入式Linux的优点和ARM系列处理器的比较,最终选择S3C6410处理器作为本系统的核心处理器和嵌入式Linux的操作系统;然后提出系统主要完成的环境监控功能及系统的软硬件体系结构;并对系统各个功能的实现分模块的进行详细设计分析,每个模块都是从下位机的电路设计到上位机的软件流程设计进行详细说明;最后对所实现的系统分别在PC机和开发板上运行调试,经测试表明,该开发系统能够满足设计要求,达到预期效果,且人机交互界面良好。

【Abstract】 With modern science and technology information and the rapid development of embedded system, environment monitoring system in the military, health care, communications, industrial and agricultural and People’s Daily life medium widely of development, management more scientific, humanization, intelligent, also make the people’s living standards improved. China’s urbanization process more and more quickly, city building more and more high, high building fire hazard gradually exposed. At present some simple household life-saving equipment is already can’t satisfy people’s needs, in order to people’s lives and property security, we focused on home and office design developed a "intelligent electronic insurance tank" electronic system survival equipment, for people in the event of fire, earthquake and an emergency escape. With the rapid development of modern science and technology and intelligent, people in the cabin to insurance function and its environment, information processing humanization, intelligentized continuously improve and promote the first generation of home/business escape product "intelligent electronic insurance class" was born.This article in this insurance tank under the background of the electronic system, introduces a kind of ARM11based on hardware platform of the microprocessor S3C6410, configuration software platform and Qt embedded Linux applications of environment monitoring system research and implementation. The monitoring system of collection devices such as sensors, camera, gas flow meter instruments will air pressure, temperature, video image data by a machine spread to the control center, the control center will these data to indicate to the touch screen, the user can through the touch screen terminals, to achieve the purpose of real-time monitoring.This environment monitoring system mainly divided into temperature and pressure control system, cooling system, gas supply system, video acquisition module and power management system five part, mainly complete functions include:through the air pressure, the temperature sensor real-time monitoring the cabin pressure and temperature change, automatic control exhaust and refrigeration system; Through the camera outside the cabin of the fire for video images in real time monitoring and transmission; Through the gas flow meter monitoring supply of gas gas flow so as to control the flow of the electromagnetic valve size.This paper first analyzes the advantages of embedded Linux ARM processor and the comparison of the series, finally choosing S3C6410processor as the core of the system and embedded processor of Linux operating system; And then put forward the system mainly completes environment monitoring function and system of the hardware and software system structure; And the system the realization of the function of each module in the detailed design of points analysis, each module is from a machine under the circuit design to PC software process design in detail; Finally realized by the system, the PC and development board operation commissioning, the test show that the development system can satisfy the design requirement, achieved the desired results, and man-machine interface is good.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【下载频次】193