

Hguangxi Primary and Middle School Students’ Physical Exercise in Security Research

【作者】 黑奇超

【导师】 靳卫平;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 无论是出于时代、社会发展的需要,还是国家强盛和人民的要求,青少年学生的体质健康都是各国政府尤为关注的大事。纵观近年来国家对青少年的体育健康标准测试来看,我国青少年体质的下降已成为一个不争的事实,人们迫切需要通过学校的体育教育来提高学生的身体素质。既然要通过体育教育来提高学生的身体素质,那么在教育中运动便是必不可少的一个组成部分,同时在运动中所发生的安全问题就随之而生。本文通过对近年来广西区内所发生的安全事故的调查研究,总结各个事故发生之后学校的处理方式,以及处理效果,尝试提出一种全新的解决此类安全事故的方式:将银行的赔偿保险等方式运用到解决事故发生后所产生的一系列问题当中。本文通过问卷调查法、数理统计法、文献研究法、专家访谈法、系统分析法对广西区内的多所中小学在体育锻炼中安全问题的处理方式、方法进行了客观地分析,然而发现在广西区内中小学对体育锻炼中所发生的安全问题认识还不够深刻,处理方式、方法亟待提高。总结全区中小学生在体育锻炼中的安全问题,其影响因素有:一、观念问题;二、教师因素的影响;三、体育锻炼的特殊性;四、安全问题发生后的赔偿、保障等。这些因素共同影响了中小学生在学校中的锻炼情况。针对以上这几种问题,本文通过问卷调查分析,文献资料的调查阅读等提出以下几点保障中小学生能够进行完善的体育锻炼的建议:一、加强对学校体育器材的维护与保养;二、加强教师、学生在上课期间的安全意识;三、学校要正视锻炼中的安全事故,采取必要的防御防范措施,通过制定一系列规章制度,妥善处理所发生的问题,从而给教师减压;四、做好对患有遗传性疾病学生的监护工作;五、上课期间教师合理安排学生进行体育锻炼,防止因安排不当造成安全事故的发生;六、完善中小学生意外伤害事故的社会分担责任,明确学生和学校的法律关系,明确学校、家长和相关职能部门的职责,充分发挥商业保险在中小学生意外伤害事故中所起的的重要作用;七、学校、学生、家长、社会形成合理互补机制为创建和谐校园、和谐社会服务。

【Abstract】 Either for the times, the needs of social development, or the prosperity of thenation and people, adolescent students’ physical health are governments are particularlyconcerned about events. Review in recent years the country on adolescent physicalability test, in adolescent constitution decline already became a fact that does notdispute, it is an urgent need for the physical education in schools to improve thephysical quality of students. Since going through physical education to improve thephysical quality of students, so in the education movement is an essential component,while in motion in the security problem and the ensuing.This article through to the recent years Guangxi area safety accident comparisonresearch, summarizes each after the accident school approach, and treatment effect, tryto put forward a new solution to the accidents: will the bank ’s compensation insuranceand other means to resolve after the accident, cause a series of problems.This article through the questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, literaturestudy, expert interview, system analysis and other methods of Guangxi over the regionin primary and secondary schools in physical training security approach, methodundertook objective analysis found that, in the Guangxi District School PhysicalTraining in the safety problems of consciousness are not deep, approach, method needsto be improved, summarizes the effects of primary and secondary school physicaltraining in security factors are: one, concept; two, teachers’ factors; three, physicalexercise special; four, safety problems occurring after compensation guaranteemechanism effect. These factors influence the primary and middle school students inphysical training can improve exercise. In view of these problems, this article throughthe questionnaire investigation, literature investigation and reading and put forward thefollowing protection of minority students were able to improve the physical exerciserecommendations: first, to improve the school exercise equipment maintenance and maintenance; two, strengthen the teacher, the students during the class of securityawareness; three, the school should face up to exercise in the accident, take necessarymeasures to defense, teachers decompression; four, do a good job with genetic disordersstudents care; five, reasonable arrangement during class, physical exercise, to preventimproper arrangement caused the occurrence of safety accidents; six, perfect thestudents injury accident of students social responsibility, clear and the school of legalrelation, clarify school, parents and related functions of the Department’sresponsibilities, give full play to the role of commercial insurance in the work ofprimary and secondary school students injury accidents in the basis; seven, school,student, parents, social form reasonable complementary mechanism to create aharmonious campus, harmonious society.
