

Study on Flood Monitoring in Medium and Small Basins of Guangxi Based on GIS

【作者】 彭波

【导师】 钟仕全; 胡宝清;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 广西属亚热带季风气候区,降水时空分布极不均匀,广西的气象灾害近年来呈多发、频发的态势,成灾率不断上升。洪涝是广西主要的气象灾害之一,每一次洪涝灾害涉及的县域之多,受灾面积之大,直接经济损失严重,社会民生受到了的极大的影响。针对广西的洪涝灾害,可以利用GIS技术,结合气象观测站点资料以及地形地貌特点,对洪涝灾害多发区进行研究,实现洪涝监测、预测、预警,以便及时采取有效措施,尽最大努力降低洪涝灾害造成的损失。本文结合前人研究,以地理信息系统(GIS)技术为支撑,开展广西中小流域的洪涝监测研究。主要进行了广西中小流域的数字化信息提取,对比分析选取最优插值方法,分析广西主要江河流域的暴雨、洪涝时空特征及洪涝灾害主要影响因子,并结合层次分析法,确定以降雨、高程、坡度、河网密度和土地利用五种指标的层次指标体系,构建了基于GIS技术的洪涝灾害综合指数计算模型。通过选取漓江流域内近十年典型暴雨降雨日,对构建的模型进行验证分析,模型计算出来的洪涝灾害分布区域,基本与实际相符,可以实现利用实时降雨,或者未来二十四小时、四十八小时预报降雨量进行洪涝监测、预测,辅助洪涝决策。

【Abstract】 Guangxi belongs to subtropical monsoon climate area, time and spacedistribution of rainfall is extremely uneven. In recent years,Guangxi’smeteorological disasters has been in multiple, frequent situation, and hazardrate has risen. Flood is one of the main meteorological disasters in Guangxi,and each time the flood disaster involved of the county, the affected area,direct economic loss serious, changing society of by the enormous influence.The flood disaster in Guangxi, can use GIS technology, combined withmeteorological observation site material and topography characteristic offlood disaster pilosity area, realize the flood monitoring, forecasting, warning,so that to take effective measures, and do our best to reduce the damage ofthe flood disaster.This paper combining previous research to the geographic informationsystem (GIS) technology for support, and carry out small river basin inGuangxi of flood monitoring research. The small and medium-sized basinmainly in Guangxi of digital information extraction, comparative analysis toselect the most optimal interpolation method, analyzes the main river basinsin Guangxi heavy rain, and flood space-time characteristics and flood disastermain influencing factors, and AHP, sure to rainfall, elevation, slope, rivernetwork density and land use five kinds of index level index system, buildingbased on GIS technology flooding comprehensive index calculationmodel.Through the selection in Lijiang River basin nearly10years typicalrainfall, heavy rain, for the establishment of the model is validated analysis,model calculated flood disaster distribution area, basic is consistent with thereality, can achieve with real-time rainfall, or future24hours,48hours ofrainfall forecast for flood monitoring, forecast and auxiliary flooddecision-making.

  • 【分类号】P208;P426.616
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179
  • 攻读期成果