

Translating Public Signs in Yantai

【作者】 赵美国

【导师】 贾正传; 于德英;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 英文public signs (仅借用其文字形式)一词对应的汉语语汇有:公示语,标识语,标示语,标记语,揭示语,警示语等等。本文取其中较为通用的“公示语”作为本文研究时的指称。随着改革开放的深入和城市国际化进程的加快,城市公示语作为中外交流沟通的重要桥梁之一,在树立中国良好的国际形象和展现中国的精神风貌方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。烟台是一个美丽的海滨城市,它吸引着更多外国人的到来。近年来,随着烟台的发展,烟台公示语在树立烟台的国际形象和传播烟台的文化方面发挥着必不可少的作用。但烟台公示语存在诸多错误或不当的翻译,影响了烟台的城市形象。因此本文把烟台公示语汉英翻译作为研究课题,目的在于揭示烟台公示语汉英翻译中所要达到的效果及为此所采取的翻译策略和方法,以使公示语的译文获得目标读者的理解和认同,实现其信息传递、呼唤大众及寒暄的功能。鉴于公示语汉英翻译存在诸多问题,尤其是文化层面的问题,论文试图在文本类型学理论基础上探求适用于烟台公示语汉英翻译的策略。根据文本类型学理论和公示语的文本功能,论文将公示语分为四种文本类型:信息型、呼唤型、寒暄型和复合型。为了达到译文“等效”的目的,即英文翻译对外国读者所产生的效果应与中文公示语对中国读者所产生的效果一致,译者应采取交际翻译策略。而文本类型理论认为不同的文本类型应采取不同的翻译策略,即对于信息型公示语,采用直译和借译;对于呼唤型公示语可采用借译和再创造翻译,对于表情型功能的公示语可采用语义翻译;对于复合型功能的公示语,采用语义翻译和交际翻译相结合的策略、增译法、浓缩法和省略法。这些翻译策略为烟台公示语的汉英翻译提出了一系列可操作性强的翻译技巧,为解决公示语汉英翻译中的文化错误和语用错误提供了方法借鉴。

【Abstract】 The so-called "public signs" are signs that are shown publicly and widely used in publictransportation services, scenic spots, streets and counties, public institutes, the serviceorganizations, traveling facilities, the entertainment, the medical service, the science andresearch organizations, and so on. With the rapid development of the international exchangesand the intensification of China’s reform and opening-up policy, public signs, functioning as acommunication bridge between Chinese and foreign people, play a more important role inbuilding China’s international image and facilitating intercultural communication. Yantai, abeautiful seaside city, has always been a great attraction to many foreigners. Its public signsalso have the indispensable role in improving Yantai’s international image and spreading itsculture. But there are prevalent errors in public sign translation in Yantai. Therefore, theauthor of this thesis chooses the translation of public signs in Yantai as the research topic fromthe perspective of text typology theories with the objective of finding out the communicativeeffects that public sign translation is intended to achieve and of exploring the translationstrategies and methods that are to be adopted in order to fulfill the informative, vocative,expressive functions of public signs in Yantai. Text typology theories constitute the theoreticalframework of the present research, which includes Reiss’s text typology theory and that ofNewmark with the focus on the classification of text types and communicative translationstrategies. The two text typology theories are complementary in nature as Reiss’s texttypology stresses the functions and skopos of the target text while Newmark’s emphasizes thesource text. Therefore, the author combines them to study public sign translation in Yantai.The problems in public sign translation are analyzed from two aspects: problems on thelinguistic level and on the cultural level. Then their causes are explored in order to wellanalyze and translate public signs in Yantai based on text typology theories. In view of somany translation errors, especially cultural errors prevalent in the translation of public signs,the author attempts to find an approach that is suitable for the translation of public signs fromthe perspective of text typology theories. According to the text types and functions of public signs, the author classifies public signs in Yantai into four categories: informative public signs,vocative public signs, expressive public signs, and compound public signs. In order to achievethe "equivalent effect" of the translation, it is highly advisable that the translator should adoptthe communicative translation approach to translating public signs. Several methodspertaining to the communicative translation approach are discussed with regard to differenttext types of public signs. For informative type of public signs, literal translation andborrowing methods are suggested because the ultimate purpose of informative signs is totransmit the information to the readership; for vocative type of public signs, borrowingmethods and re-creative translation methods are suggested; for expressive type of public signs,semantic translation method is suggested; and for the compound public signs, the methods ofcombining semantic translation with communicative translation, amplification, andprominence are suggested. These strategies can help to avoid the problems and improve thetranslation of public signs in Yantai.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期