

Analyze on Navigation Safety of Cargo Ship Transporting Heavy Cargo in Lancang River

【作者】 杨跃富

【导师】 刘益清;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 澜沧江—湄公河是连接中国西南地区和东南亚地区的大动脉,澜沧江—湄公河航运的发展对区域经济建设起着巨大的推动作用。经过10年的探索、开发、整治,澜沧江航运条件得到了很大改善。但目前澜沧江航道等级依旧很低,比起国内其他内河航道来说仍有较大差距。澜沧江属于典型的山区河流,航道普遍存在着水流急、比降大、弯道多的特性,这些严重地威胁着船舶航行的安全。本文以澜沧江水电站建设中一大批重大件设备的运输为背景,分析讨论部分条件恶劣的航段给船舶航行带来的安全隐患。文章主要研究重大件运输船在具有坡降的急流弯道内的航行受力情况。因为,此类航道是澜沧江航道中水流情况最复杂的航段,也是最容易发生事故的航段。所以,选用此航段来分析研究很具有代表性,也是偏于安全的。另外,本文分析的是重大件运输船,此类船舶比起其他运输船舶更难控制,航行的安全性要求也较高。因此,此类船舶的研究分析成果可以推广到其他类似船舶上,以作理论上的指导。鉴于目前对澜沧江航运的研究主要集中于采用实船实验的通航水力指标研究,还没有从船舶自身受力的角度作出相关的研究分析。基于以上情况,本文采用力学方法,对不同航道条件下船舶的受力作出分析,再结合船舶自身指标来评估船舶航行的安全性。本文把船舶在具有坡降的急流弯道内的受力开分研究,分别讨论船舶纵向和横向的受力。船舶的纵向受力表现为航行阻力,横向受力表现为横倾外力矩。分析在不同航道、水流条件下船舶各方向的受力,以此来评判船舶在该外界条件下是否能保证航行安全。通过计算,可以得出能保证船舶安全航行的水力指标,以及给船舶设计和营运提出相应的建议。另外,本文还分析论证了重大件货物的系固,并结合实际情况给出了合适的系固方案。本文的研究主要针对重大件运输船,但研究成果也可以推广到其他类似船舶,可以给澜沧江航运提供一个理论分析和指导。

【Abstract】 The Lancang river and Mekong river connects the China’s southwest with Asia’s southeast, Lancang river and Mekong river shipping plays a huge role in the development of regional economic construction. Through the exploration and development in recent ten years, the shipping conditions of Lancang river have been improved a lot. But the waterway of Lancang river is still bad. Compared with other domestic inland waterway, there is a big gap. Since Lancang river belongs to the typical mountainous rivers. The waterway equipped with rapid flow, large falling gradient and many bends. These characteristics serious threat the safety of the ship sailing.This paper based on the transportation of great equipment for the river hydroelectric station, discusses the hidden dangers when ships navigate in some wicked waterway. This article mainly studies the force that ship has suffered in the sinuous waterway with falling gradient. The flow condition is the most complex in this kind of waterway and it is also the most prone to happen accidents. So, selecting this waterway for analysis and study is very representative. In addition, this paper mainly analyzes the cargo ship for awkward and lengthy cargo, compared to other transport ships, such ships are more difficult to control, the safety requirements for navigation is higher. So, this research and analysis can be extended to other similar ships, as a theoretically guiding.In view of the present shipping research for Lancang river mainly focused on the hydraulic power index, rather than focused on the extraneous force that ship suffered. Based on the above situation, this article adopted the mechanics method, analyzed the extraneous force in different waterway conditions, and according to the ships’indicators to evaluate the safety of ship sailing.This paper respectively researched the lateral force and longitudinal force that ship has suffered in the sinuous waterway with falling gradient. The longitudinal force manifested as the sailing resistance and the lateral force manifested as the heel moment of force. Calculating the lateral force and longitudinal force under different flow condition and according to the result to judge whether the sailing is safety. Through the computation, we can make out the hydraulic power index which can guarantee the safety of the ship’s sailing as well as puts forward some relevant suggestions for the ship design and shipping. In addition, this paper also researched the bandaging for awkward and lengthy cargo, and based on the actual cargo puts forward an appropriate bandaging scheme.The research of this paper mainly about the cargo ship transporting great goods, but this research results can be applied to other similar ships. It provides a theoretical analysis and guidance for the lancang river shipping.
