

Correlation Research of the Transurethral Plasma Kinetic Prostatectomy Safflower Injection of Post-operative Bleeding

【作者】 杨兴忠

【导师】 张犁;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中西医结合泌尿外科, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:观察经尿道前列腺等离子双极电切术(TUPK)后应用红花注射液治疗对出血量、出血时间等指标的影响,探讨其作用机理。方法:依据《中医病证诊治疗效标准》(国家标准)对2011年3月~2011年12月江苏省中医院的40例良性前列腺增生,符合TUPK手术标准(2011版《中国泌尿外科疾病诊断治疗指南》)的患者,随机分为实验者和对照组2组,每组20人。分别记录每组患者的年龄、前列腺体积大小、手术时间、前列腺切除重量、冲洗时间、冲洗液总量及出血量。实验组术后当天即开始静脉滴注红花注射液,且连续静脉滴注6天。应用SPSS17.0统计软件进行统计,研究分析TUPK术后患者的出血量,与年龄、前列腺体积、手术时间、前列腺切除重量、冲洗时间及冲洗量的相关性。结果:(1)实验组与对照组的年龄、前列腺体积、切除前列腺的重量、手术时间比较、膀胱冲洗时间比、冲洗液的总量比较,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(2)实验组静脉滴注红花注射液后,血液流变性有显著降低(P<0.05);对照组无红花注射液静脉滴注,血液流变学无显著性改变(P>0.05)。(3)实验组和对照组的出血量相比较,亦无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:TUPK患者术后应用红花注射液,不仅能有效改变血液流变性,从而有效预防深静脉血栓形成,而且不增加术后出血量,能减少“肺动脉栓塞”、“心肌梗死”等并发症。

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe through the prostatic urethra and plasma excision (TUPK) after application of safflower injection in the treatment indicator of the amount of bleeding, and bleeding time, to explore its mechanism.Methods:According to TCM Syndrome treatment efficacy standards "(National Standards) Hospital of Jiangsu Province in March2011to December2011,40cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia, in line with the TUPK surgery standards (the2011edition of urological diseases diagnosis and treatment Guide) of the patients were randomly divided into2groups of the experimenter and the control group, n=20. Were recorded in each group of patients with age, prostate volume size, operative time, prostate resection weight, flushing time, total lavage and blood loss. Experimental group after the day began to intravenous infusion of safflower injection and continuous intravenous infusion over six days. Application SPSS17.0statistical software for statistical analysis TUPK postoperative bleeding, and age, prostate volume, operative time, prostate resection weight, washing and flushing the amount of correlation.Results:(1) the experimental group and control group in age, prostate volume, the removal of the prostate weight, operative time, bladder irrigation time, irrigation fluid total, no significant difference (P>0.05).(2) The experimental group received intravenous infusion of safflower injection on hemorheology in a significant reduction (P<0.05); control group safflower intravenous injection, blood rheology, no significant change (P>0.05).(3) the experimental group and control group the amount of bleeding compared, there was no significant difference (P>0.05).Conclusion:TUPK patients after surgery of safflower injection, not only can effectively change the rheology, to be effective in preventing deep vein thrombosis, but does not increase postoperative bleeding, decrease pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction complications.

【关键词】 良性前列腺增生TUPK红花注射液出血量
【Key words】 BPHTUPKsafflower injectionthe amount of bleeding