

The Research of Clinic Guide of Chinese Medicine for Pediatric Tonsillitis

【作者】 何锦婷

【导师】 虞舜;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是国家中医药管理局中医药标准化课题一“小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南的研制”的组成部分,课题编号:ZYYS一2009(0004)一2。本文采用文献研究、Delphi法问卷调查及专家研讨会3种方法相结合,进行“小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南”制订的研究。文献研究首先采取人工检索和计算机检索、网络检索相结合的方法,通过《中医儿科学古代文献资料数据库》、“中国期刊全文数据库”以及大学图书馆等途径充分检索相关文献。在此基础上,梳理相关文献,总结古今关于小儿乳蛾的理论、临床研究成果,为制订临床指南提供历史和现实的依据,并构建专家问卷调查的基础。Delphi法问卷调查是在文献调研的基础上,设计“小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南”第一轮专家问卷调查表,以信函形式发给遴选出的中医儿科学界为主的40位专家征求意见;对回收的答卷汇总分析,统计处理,形成“小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南”第二轮调查表,向专家征求意见;对回收的第二轮问卷统计分析,凝聚专家共识。在专家共识的基础上,根据循证指南工作要求,编纂《小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南初稿》,再报送中华中医药学会中医儿科分会组织的专家讨论会审定。依据上述方法和程序,完成循证性“小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南”制订的主要工作。在强调临床试验证据,尤其以随机双盲对照试验的临床报道为最高等级证据的循证医学中,如何看待中医古代文献中所凝聚的医疗经验,是值得探讨的问题。本文对小儿乳蛾古今文献的分析,以及专家调查问卷结果的统计分析表明,现代中医临床对乳蛾的认识,是在古代临床实践的基础上继承而来,《小儿乳蛾中医诊疗指南初稿》最后确定的处方均来自古代处方,《中医方剂大辞典》古代方剂药物统计分析的结果表明,古今证治有一致性,也有不i同处。在现代中医循证指南中不能忽视中医古代文献的研究。

【Abstract】 This study is a part of research of Clinic Guide of Chinese Medicine for pediatric tonsillitis which is a standardization project conducted by state Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, serial number ZYYS-2009(0004)-2Three methods which are literature research, Delphi questionnaire survey method and experts seminar are adopted to develop Clinic Guide of Chinese Medicine for pediatric tonsillitis.Literature research mainly comes from Ancient Chinese Medicine Pediatrics Database, CJFD and University Library, etc. The methods combining manual literature search, computer database and internet search are applied in literature researeh.And then to comb related literature, summary the ancient and modern theory and clinical research results about pediatric tonsillitis. Literature research makes the historical and realistic basis for clinical guide and constructs the foundation of expert questionnaire survey.Delphi questionnaire survey method is to formulate first round experts questionnaire which is sent to40experts selected in the area of pediaty by letter on the basis of literature research.Through the analysis of first round survey responds, second round experts questionnaire was formulated and be sent to the experts whose advices were collected again.Based on experts’ agreements, with the guide of evidence-based medicine principles, the draft of Clinic Guide of Chinese Medicine for pediatric tonsillitis was established and submitted to pediatric branch of Association of Chinese medicine.The research of the ancient and modern chinese medicine about pediatric tonsillitis and the result of questionnaire survey show that the recognition of modern chinese medicine to pediatric tonsillitis is based on the ancient clinical practice.The final prescriptions of the draft of Clinic Guide of Chinese Medicine for pediatric tonsillitis come from the ancient.The research of the ancient literature of chinese medcine can not be ingored in modern chinese medicine evidence-based guideline.
