

The Research in the Policies of Regulate the Poverty Gap of the Japanese Government in the1960s and1970s

【作者】 齐琳

【导师】 魏胤亭;

【作者基本信息】 天津商业大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 贫富差距问题是当代国际社会的一个普遍难题,如何解决这一问题对每个国家来讲都至关重要。日本虽然是资本主义国家,却是全球贫富差距最小的国家之一,也是分配最平等的国家之一。这其中,日本政府调节贫富差距的政策起到了决定性的作用。本文以上世纪60、70年代日本政府调节贫富差距的政策作为研究对象,并试图通过研究能够解决当今中国的贫富差距问题的借鉴。本文分为五个部分:第一部分,日本在20世纪60、70年代的贫富差距状况。第二部分,机会公平是日本政府调节贫富差距的第一步。第三部分,完整的税收体系是日本政府调节贫富差距的重要手段。第四部分,建立和完善社会保障体系是日本政府调节贫富差距的重要措施。第五部分,中日两国经济状况比较以及日本政府调节贫富差距政策对当前中国的启示。在第五部分中,本文提出了日本调节贫富差距政策对中国的启示。首先,要解决三农问题就必须要加快农业现代化建设,缩小城乡贫富差距;其次,大力发展教育要保证资金投入;然后,要建立完善的社会保障制度;最后,必须建立健全的税收制度。

【Abstract】 The poverty gap is a common problem in the contemporary international society.It is very important to each country that How to solve this problem. Japan is acapitalist country, but it is one of the smallest poverty gap countries, also it is one ofthe most equal countries in distribution all over the world. The policies in regulate thepoverty gap of the Japanese government has played a decisive role. This paper setsout from this perspective, and Based on that, this paper try to further explain theeffective policies of the Government of Japan.In this paper, there is five parts. The first part: the poverty gap of Japan in the1960s and1970s. The second part: the first step to regulate the poverty gap is fairnessof opportunities of the Japanese government. The third part: Complete tax system isan important means to regulate the poverty gap for the Japanese Government. Thefourth part: Establish and perfect the social security system is an important measure toregulate the poverty gap for the Japanese Government. The fifth part: the economicsituation between Japanese and china, and the inspiration of regulate the poverty gapof the Japanese Government for China.In the fifth part, this paper discuss the inspiration of regulate the poverty gap ofthe Japanese Government for China. First, it is necessary to accelerate agriculturalmodernization to solve the Problems about Agriculture,Rural areas and Peasantry,then the difference of poverty gap will more and more small between urban and ruralin China. Second, China should develop education vigorously and ensure the capitalinvestment. Third, we must establish social security system. At last, we also mustestablish tax system completely.

【关键词】 贫富差距日本政策
【Key words】 The poverty gapJapanPolicy