

Research on Optimal Design of Performance Pay System in Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry

【作者】 刘春姿

【导师】 王馨;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 钢铁行业的高速发展在为每一个钢铁企业提供发展机遇的同时,也对每一个钢铁企业提出了更为严峻的挑战,同行业间的竞争日益加剧,而企业间的竞争从根本上说是人才的竞争。人才是现代企业核心竞争力的主要载体,通过高效的人力资源管理来培育人才,通过有效的激励措施留住人才并使其价值发挥最大化是当今钢铁企业应对钢铁行业后高速发展时期挑战的理性决策,是保持、提升企业的核心竞争能力的有效途径,而薪酬激励是最直接最易出效果的激励方式,应是解决当前矛盾的有效突破口。本文在借鉴相关领域研究成果、梳理薪酬及绩效相关理论的基础上,结合吉林建龙钢铁公司(以下简称吉林钢铁)的人力资源现状,对其现行岗位绩效工资体系展开调研以对其岗位绩效工资体系现状进行详细把握、研究和剖析,并从企业经营管理实际出发,以探索性思维对其现有岗位绩效工资体系进行优化,给出适用于企业长期发展的岗位绩效工资体系可行性方案。具体研究工作主要涵盖以下四个方面:第一,在把握吉林建龙钢铁公司经营战略的基础上理顺其组织架构、绩效及薪酬体系;第二,通过现场调研及资料分析挖掘吉林钢铁公司现有岗位绩效工资体系的潜在问题,从各个方面分析现有岗位绩效工资体系的问题来源及产生原因;第三,结合吉林钢铁公司实际对其现有岗位绩效工资体系进行优化再设计;第四,将岗位绩效工资体系优化设计方案给予实施并对实施效果进行评估。本研究以处于发展阶段的吉林钢铁公司的岗位绩效工资体系为研究对象,通过多种渠道找出其新的工资模式应用过程中的问题与障碍,并在对问题诊断与分析的基础上提出适合其实际需求和长远发展的岗位绩效工资体系优化方案,研究思路简洁明了并具有普遍适用性,研究成果对劳动密集型生产企业的工资模式选择也具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The fast development of steel industry provides challenges severely to every steel company as well as opportunities for development. The competition in the same industry is the competition of talents, who are the main carriers for enterprises’core competitiveness. It’s the rational decision-making to cultivate talents by human resources management with high efficiency, to retain and make them perform in maximization by effective encouragement for iron and steel enterprises in the post development period at present. This is an effective way to keep and improve enterprises’ core competitiveness, and payment incentives is the most immediate and fruitful way for it, which should be the effective breakthrough for solving present contractions.The author, therefore, in this essay, researches the existing performance pay system, basing on relating research results, arranging theories concerning with payment and performance pay system, and combining present condition of human resources in Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry. He also analyzes the performance pay system of it and optimizes the existing performance pay system in explorative thinking for feasible solution which suits its long-term development, starting from the actual and present facts of management in Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry.The research mainly is mainly:The first, to straighten out its organization structure, performance and payment system, basing on mastering its operation strategy of Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry;The second, to present its potential problems of performance pay system existing in Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry by means of field research and data analysis, to analyze problems and causes of existing performance pay system in different aspects;The third, to redesign for optimizing the existing performance pay system, combined with the facts of Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry;The forth, to implement and evaluate optimized performance pay system.This research is based on the performance pay system of developing Jilin Jianlong Iron and Steel Industry, finds out the problems from the new pay system in applying through various methods, and presents a practical solution of performance pay system which is suiTab. for long-term development on the base of problem diagnosis and analysis. The thinking in research is concise, clear, and commonly applicable. The research result is of a reference value for alternatives of payment system in labor intensive production enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F426.31
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】191