

The Overall Tactical Denfence Between Chinese and Europe Men’s Basketball Team from2006to2010

【作者】 陈德昌

【导师】 贾志强;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 欧洲球队进入21世纪以来成长迅猛,尤其是西班牙队、立陶宛队等欧洲劲旅已经成为美国梦之队的主要对手。中国男篮队员的形体发展趋势在向欧洲球队看起,但中国队员只“脱胎”,尚未“换骨”:我们的技战术发挥还不够隐定,在比赛的决胜期我们防守还没有起到决定性的作用,更重要的是中国队无论是整体还是个人在防守风格上与欧洲存在差异。在世界顶级篮球比赛如奥运会、世锦赛男篮比赛中,要取得比赛的胜利,我们不仅要有流畅的进攻,高质量防守的质量直接关系和影响比赛的最终结果以及在世锦赛、奥运会中的比赛排名。因此归纳、研究、总结中国及其欧洲对手在这三届世界大赛中防守特征的变化对我们准确把握现代篮球的防守特征变化规律有重要意义。本文主要运用录像观察统计法、文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对第十五届男篮世锦赛、08年奥运会、第十六届世锦赛中国队及其欧洲对手的整体的防守技战术、防守战术基础配合、后场篮板球的个数、获得形式以及位置分布相关指标进行统计、分析、研究。得出如下结论:1、中国队在三届比赛中,半场人盯人防守、全场人盯人防守、区域紧逼、和联防战术的运用中,半场人盯人和全场人盯人呈逐渐增多的趋势,效果愈来愈好,区域联防和对位联防战术的运用时间和比例呈逐届下降的趋势。2、中国男篮在2006年至2010年三届世界男篮大赛中能针对对手的特点作出调整,对对手大量采用挤过、穿过、绕过、换防、补防、夹击、关门等防守战术基础配合。但是与欧洲球队娴熟的防守配合、积极地补位、凶狠的抢位相比中国队还存在一定差距。3、现在欧洲高水平球队在比赛中“以球为主”的防守理念更加突出,在防守中始终贯彻”以球为主,球、人、区、时”兼顾的原则,我国男篮在各区运用的防守基础配合的数量与欧洲球队差异不明显。4.中国队男篮三届世界大赛中后场篮板球的数量逐年减少,但是分布更加均匀,外线队员通过冲抢获得了更多的后场篮板,参与后场篮板拼抢的人数数也在增加,与欧洲球队相比中国队后场篮板球无论从数量还是形式上都存在一定差距,尤其是防守篮板球卡位与挡人差距更大,但中国队与苟活球队的差距正在缩小。

【Abstract】 The European team since twenty-first Century to enter the rapid development, especially the Spanish team, tean Lithuania and other European crack force has becone the United States of America dream team s main rival. In the Olympic Games, world championships such world class competition, what we need is not gorgeous offensive performance, but to win the game, the defensive quality and level is also directly, affect the outcome of the game as well as in the world championships, Olymic Games ranking.This paper mainly uses video observation statistics, literature data method, qiestionnaire survey mathematical statistics method, expert interviews and other research methods, the06FIBA World Championship in Japan Chinese team and its Eeuropean rivals,08Olympic Games men’s basketball game chinese team and European rivals,10year Turkey world chamionship Chinese team andits opponents in Europe overall defensive technique tactical, defensive tactics combining the wins rebound, the number, form and distribution related indexes obtainded by statistical analusis. Comclusions are drawn as follows1, the Chinese team in the fifteenth FIBA World Championship, Beijing Olympic Gamees men’s basketball games, the sixteenth FIBA World Championship, half court man to man, the man-to-man defense, zone press, and defense tactics used in the half court man to man, and thee man to man a graduallu increasing trend, the effect is better and better, the zone defense and counterpoint tactical use of time and the proportion of each falling trend.2. the chinese men’s basketball team in the three world series against thee opponent’s characteristics to make adjustments, the opponent using a large number of squeezed througe bypass, rotation,,,,, closing up against attack defensive tactics combining. 3, China’s men’s basketball team in the team competition in the use of a large number of flexible defensive tactics combining, defensive tactics combining with hierarchy and more focused, embody the new concept of modern basketball defense. The current European high level basketball team in a match to the " ball" defensive philosophy is more prominent in the defense, always implement the " ball, ball, people, District, when both" principle, China’s basketball team in the use of the basis with defensive quantity and European teams were not obviously, can be very good to carry out this principle.4, Chinese men basketball team in the three World Series wings rebound quantity decreased year by year, but the distribution is more uniform, perimeter players through flushes snatches the gained more wings backboard, involved in the defensive end had increased the number of European teams, and compared with the Chinese team the wings rebound from either the amount or form are put in certain difference, especially defensive rebounds clamping and retaining people a greater gap, but the Chinese team and the European team is narrowing the gap.
