
安徽沿江湖泊越冬白头鹤(Grus monacha)生境选择的初步研究

Habitat Selection of Hooded Crane(Grus Monacha)Wintering at the Lakes of Yangtze River Floodplain in Anhui Province

【作者】 罗子君

【导师】 周立志;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 白头鹤(Grus monachα),大型迁徙涉禽(UV), IUCN的易危物种。全球种群数量约1万只,在我国的越冬种群数量约1200只。长江中下游沿江湖泊湿地是白头鹤的重要越冬栖息地。不合理的渔业养殖模式造成了湖泊植被的退化导致白头鹤的越冬食物资源和适宜生境不断丧失,其越冬种群面临巨大的生存城市力。因此迫切需开展越冬白头鹤种群保护研究。本研究通过越冬白头鹤种群生境状况及生境选择的研究,了解其对退化湿地的生态适应,进而为开展对长江中下游沿江湖泊湿地生境恢复和该物种的种群保护提供理论依据。于2010年11月-2011年4月,采用路线调查法和样方法对安徽长江沿江的菜子湖、升金湖两个湖泊越冬白头鹤的种群数量、生境分布进行调查,使用地理信息系统软件结合实地调查对白头鹤利用生境类型进行划分,通过资源选择系数(Wi)和选择指数(Ei)评价白头鹤对生境的偏好性,使用样方法对白头鹤整个越冬期的觅食地生境因子进行调查,通过降势典型对应分析(DCA)研究越冬白头鹤觅食生境特征。2010-2011年冬季菜子湖越冬白头鹤最大种群数量113只,升金湖最大种群数量193只,较已有记录明显下降,稻田和养殖塘等人工湿地中的分布数量增加。升金湖种群集中分布于杨峨头、舌甘的附近草滩和新胜圩、白联圩的稻田中;菜子湖种群主要集中分布于梅花大圩的稻田中和八角的草滩中,在养殖塘中零星分布。越冬种群的缩小和原本重要的泥滩觅食地被放弃,说明受渔业养殖造成的食物资源枯竭和水位改变已经影响到白头鹤的数量和分布。升金湖白头鹤种群越冬前期偏好草滩(Ei=0.2872)和稻田(Ei=0.3280)两种生境,后期主要觅食生境选择发生改变,仅偏好选择草滩觅食(Ei=0.5981),且利用率极显著地增加(P<0.01);菜子湖种群对稻田和草滩生境前期(46.8%,23.1%)和后期(62.6%,25.2%)均保持相对较高利用率,对5种生境利用率前后期差异均不显著。MEANS过程分析结果表明,5种生境中的食物资源类型和丰富度不同,One-Way ANOVA分析结果表明稻田和草滩2种偏好生境的食物生物量均极显著大于湖岸泥滩、浅水和养殖塘生境(P<0.01); Kruskal-Wallis H检验结果表明2种偏好生境与3种非偏好生境食物深度差异极显著(P<0.01),2种偏好生境食物深度与3种非偏好生境食物数量差异显著(0.01<P<0.05)。觅食强度与食物生物量、食物深度、食物数量的相关性分析结果表明,食物生物量与觅食强度显著正相关,且相关性最强(r=0.650,P=0.000)。食物生物量对觅食微生境选择有重要影响。生境因子的DCA分析表明,与第一轴相关系数最高的是水深(r=0.831)、植被盖度(r=-0.729)、距明水面距离(r=-0.632);与第二轴相关系数最高的是植物性食物种类(r=0.477)、距其他鸟类距离(r=-0.644)。越冬前后期各种生境类型在两个轴上的分布存在明显的分离。升金湖种群在草滩、浅水2种生境的选择分布发生分离;菜子湖种群在草滩、稻田、湖岸泥滩3种生境的选择分布发生分离。

【Abstract】 Hooded Crane is a vulnerable wading bird which is sensitive to the change of wetlands. The size of the population wintering in China was about1200. The lake wetlands in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River are important wintering habitats for Hooded Crane, of which over-exploitation already became threat to wintering cranes recently. To investigate its ecological adaptation to wetland degradation, a research on habitat condition and habitat selection of Hooded Crane was needed. Our research could also provide a theoretical basis for wetland habitat restoration and wintering population protection.We used route survey method to investigate the population number and distribution of cranes. The Vanderploeg and Scavia electivity index (Ei) was used to measure the degree of preference of each habitat. We also used sampling method to get the ecological factor of foraging habitat. DCA was used to analyze the habitat selection.The biggest number of wintering population in Caizi Lake was113individuals, and193individuals in Shengjin Lake. Both decline dramatically compared with documental wintering populations. More cranes distributed in artificial wetland, like paddy fields and polders. In Shengjin Lake, most cranes distributed in grass land near by Yangetou Village pound and Shegan Village and paddy fields of Bailian and Xinsheng. In Shengjin Lake, most cranes stayed in paddy fields near Meihua Village and grass land near Bajiao. The shrink of two wintering populations and less forage in mud flat shows the cranes had to faced on the threats of fishery.The types and abundance of food resource in each habitat were different. The results of One-Way ANOVA analysis showed that the density of food in grass land and paddy field were very significantly higher than the other habitats. The results of Kruskal-Wallis Hanalysis showed that the number of food and depth of food in two preferred habitat were significant higher than the other three habitats (0.01<P<0.05).The results of correlation analysis between foraging degree and3characteristics of food showed significant positive correlation between biomass of food and foraging degree, and it’s strongest in all (r=0.650,P=0.000). Biomass of food made a difference to foraging microhabitat selection.DCA analysis of habitat factors showed that the factors with the highest correlation coefficient are water depth (r=0.831), vegetation coverage (r=-0.729), the distance from water (r=-0.632). Variety of habitat types at different times in the two-axis there was a clear separation of the distribution. The population in Shengjin Lake showed deferent distribution of habitat in grass land and shallow water, and the changes also took place in grass land, paddy field and mudflats in Caizi Lake.

【关键词】 白头鹤生境选择觅食对策DCA分析
【Key words】 Hooded CranesHabitat selectionForaging strategyDCA
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【下载频次】176