

The Space-Time Characteristics Study of Huaiyuan in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 王正哲

【导师】 陆发春; 秦仲鑫;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史地理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 安徽省怀远县地处淮河中游,淮河穿城而过,涂山、荆山夹淮并峙,其历史渊源可以追溯至四千多年前传说的大禹时期,而其涂山更被论证为“禹娶禹会和夏兴之地”。本文从历史地理学角度出发,以明清怀远县城为研究对象,从构成这一时期怀远县城的主要要素入手,着力探讨这一时期怀远县城的形态变化特征,在此基础上分析这一时期影响怀远县发展的主要因素。然后,基于本文的研究,立足于服务现实的出发点,进而梳理怀远县的文化发展情况,并对当前怀远县的大禹文化资源的保护和开发利用提供借鉴。全文分为六个部分,其中正文分三个部分,开头有绪论,结尾有结语和附录。正文第一部分叙述怀远县的历史沿革和行政区划变迁,界定本文的研究时间和研究区域。正文第二部分从构成明清怀远县城的主要要素入手,着力探讨这一时期怀远县城的形态特征:由于明朝末期社会矛盾尖锐,受战争因素的影响,曾新建县城,后废;从县城外部形态来看,经历了从有到无的变化;构成县城的主要要素,如:衙署、街道、庙学、祭祀建筑和集市等在这一时期受到各种因素的影响而发生变化。正文第三部分在前两章节的研究基础上,重点论述影响这一时期怀远县城发展的环境因素。主要从两个方面来论述,一个是自然环境因素,包括地形、气候、自然灾害等对小城镇的发展布局影响较大的几个因素来论述;一个是人文社会因素,主要从战争、人口等方面来探讨。通过研究发现,这些因素一些是影响封建社会城市发展的共同因素,如:城市的布局、建制等,但有些是影响怀远城市发展变化的关键因素,如:其独特的区位、多发的灾害等,正是这些因素使得怀远县的发展呈现其独有的特点。论文的附录部分主要梳理怀远县的文化发展情况,并对当前怀远县的大禹文化资源的保护和开发利用提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Huaiyuan is located in the middle reaches of the Huai River in a long history, Jing Shan and Tu Shan are located on both sides of Huai River, and its historical origins can be traced to the legend of "Dayu period" of four thousand years ago. This article choose Huaiyuan in Ming and Qing Dynasties as the object of study in the perspective of historical geography, observing the changes of main elements of Huaiyuan during this period, which can reflecting the changes of Space-Time characteristics of Huaiyuan in this period. Then based on this study, this article will comb the cultural development of Huaiyuan, and current Dayu Cultural Resources Protection and Development of Huaiyuan, Specially providing a reference for using it. The paper is divided into six parts, which the body is divided into three parts, besides there are introduction before the beginning, and conclusion and appendices in the end.The first part describes the history and the administrative division changes of Huaiyuan, and defined in this study time and study area.The second part choose Huaiyuan in Ming and Qing Dynasties as the object of study in the perspective of historical geography, observing the changes of main elements of Huaiyuan during this period, which can reflecting the changes of Space-Time characteristics of Huaiyuan in this period. The main elements of the city, such as the streets, the buildings of Government, the temples, had been changing by the influence of various factors.The third part is based on the first two parts, and is focusing on the environmental factors which influenced the development of Huaiyuan in this period deeply. And it contains two aspects mainly, natural environmental factors, including topography, climate, natural disasters, which affected the layout and the development of small towns, social factors, specially the war, the population. Through the research it can found that some factors of these can affect the development of the city as the common factors in feudal society, such as:the city’s layout, establishment, etc., but some is the mainly factors which could affect the development of the city significantly, such as:its unique district-bit, multiple disasters, etc. Besides, it provides an Unique path of the development of Huaiyuan.Appendix part of the paper will discuss the cultural development of Huaiyuan and the current of Dayu cultural resources conservation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期