

High-performance Low-pressure Impregnated Paper with a Short Cycle Resin

【作者】 姜振凡

【导师】 韩健;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 林业工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文综述了国内外脲醛树脂和三聚氰胺甲醛树脂的生产和应用现状,并分析了该两种树脂的国内外研究进展。在大量探索实验的基础上,对低压短周期浸渍纸用的脲醛树脂和三聚氰胺甲醛改性树脂的配方、合成工艺和浸渍工艺进行了深入研究。针对低压短周期浸渍纸用脲醛树脂的工艺和性能要求,对其进行了配方选择、pH值控制方式、尿素投料方式、甲醛捕捉剂种类和加入量等因素的优化试验,根据试验结果,制定出了可用于低压短周期浸渍纸芯层浸渍的脲醛树脂胶粘剂的配方与合成工艺。该脲醛树脂的主要工艺参数为:F/U摩尔比为1.60:1;在酸性阶段pH值控制在3.8-4.1;尿素分两次投料;甲醛捕捉剂为以三聚氰胺和醇类化合物为主体的混合型组分,加入量为化工原料质量总量的6%,配合反应温度和反应时间的合理控制,合成了具有游离甲醛含量低、储存稳定期适中、固体含量高、粘度低等优点的脲醛树脂,经使用证明,该树脂胶粘剂完全可用于装饰纸的芯层浸渍。针对低压短周期浸渍纸用三聚氰胺甲醛树脂的工艺和性能要求,在进行了摩尔比选择、改性剂种类及其加入量、水加入量等因素优化试验的基础上,得到了浸渍纸用三聚氰胺甲醛树脂的配方及合成工艺,该浸渍用三聚氰胺甲醛树脂胶粘剂的主要工艺参数为:F/M摩尔比为1.60:1;在初期反应阶段pH值控制在9.4-9.6;三聚氰胺与甲醛均采取一次投料的方式;单组份改性剂为二甘醇,加入量为化工原料质量总量的2%;水的加入量为化工原料质量总量的14%。通过对上述因素以及反应温度、反应时间、pH值控制、终点控制等对树脂质量影响的比较分析,合成了具有低甲醛含量、储存稳定期适中、固体含量高、粘度适中等优点的三聚氰胺甲醛改性树脂,经使用证明,该树脂胶粘剂完全可用于浸渍装饰纸的表层涂布。选取三款装饰纸,分别使用上述脲醛树脂和三聚氰胺甲醛改性树脂对其做联合浸渍试验,通过试验室小试和浸渍生产线的中试,结果表明:在第一干燥阶段,干燥温度采用前高后低,热介质温度控制在100℃~135℃之间,第二干燥段采取进口和出口段低温、中间段高温的干燥方法,热介质温度控制在100℃-160℃之间。在树脂中加入适量添加剂进行调制(其中三聚氰胺树脂调制时需加入树脂量10%的稀释水),然后浸渍干燥生产出成品浸渍纸。中试结果表明,采用上述浸渍干燥工艺完全能够生产出合格的浸渍装饰纸。在上述浸渍工艺小试和中试的同时,进行了相应饰面热压工艺小试和压贴工厂热压中试,结果表明:上述三款浸渍装饰纸与E2级刨花板基材组坯,在热压板温度为182-190℃、热压单位压力为2-2.5MPa、热压闭合时间为40-50s的常规热压工艺条件下,生产出的饰面板甲醛释放量达到E1级标准,具有优良的耐磨耐污性能,其他性能也均达到国家标准。根据上述试验得出结论:本课题所研究的脲醛树脂和三聚氰胺甲醛树脂完全可用于装饰纸的浸渍生产,并且浸渍纸贴面后的装饰板具有低甲醛释放量、高耐磨、高耐污等优越性能,充分说明了该两种树脂是具有较高的理化性能和应用价值。

【Abstract】 This paper reviews the domestic and urea-formaldehyde resin and melamine formaldehyde resin production and application status, and analysis of the two resins and international research progress. Explore a large number of experiments based on the period of low short-impregnated paper with urea-formaldehyde and melamine formaldehyde resin modified resin formulations, synthetic techniques and in-depth study of the impregnation process.For low-voltage short-cycle-impregnated paper with a urea-formaldehyde resin technology and performance requirements, its a recipe selection, pH, control, urea feeding methods, lower aldehyde agent type and dosage and other factors were optimized test, according to test results, develop a short period can be used for low-pressure impregnated decorative paper core layer of urea-formaldehyde resin used in adhesive formulations and synthetic processes. Impregnated with urea-formaldehyde adhesive that the main process parameters:F/U molar ratio of1.60:1; Phase in acidic pH value controlled at3.8to4.1; urea in two feeding; Formaldehyde scavenger for the melamine-formaldehyde and alcohols as the main The composite component, adding the amount of chemical raw materials6%of the total mass, with the reaction temperature and reaction time of reasonable control, synthesized with a low free formaldehyde content, storage stable moderate, high solids, low viscosity advantages of urea-formaldehyde resin, by using proven, the resin adhesives can be used to complete the core layer impregnated decorative paper.Impregnated paper for the low-pressure short cycle process using melamine-formaldehyde resin and performance requirements, making the molar ratio of choice, adding variety and amount of modifier, and other factors to optimize the amount of water added on a pilot basis, has been using melamine formaldehyde resin impregnated paper optimization formulation and synthesis processes, the adhesive impregnated with melamine formaldehyde resin as the main process parameters:F/M molar ratio of1.60:1; pH control at an early stage in the9.4~9.6; melamine and formaldehyde are the way to a feeding; modifier as diethylene glycol, adding the amount of chemical raw materials2%of the total quality, water quality chemical raw materials by adding the total amount of14%. Based on the above factors as well as reaction temperature, reaction time, pH value control, endpoint control, impact on the quality of the comparative analysis of the resin synthesized with low formaldehyde content, stable storage medium, solid content, viscosity, etc. of the melamine formaldehyde moderate modified resin, the use of evidence, the adhesive resin impregnated decorative paper can be used to complete the surface coating.Select three decorative paper, respectively, using the urea-formaldehyde resin and melamine-formaldehyde resin modified immersion test of their joint done by small scale laboratory production line in the middle and impregnated test results show that:in the first drying phase, before the use of high temperature drying to low heat at medium temperature control between100℃-135℃, and the second drying section of the import and export segments to low temperature, the middle section of high-temperature drying method, heat medium temperature was controlled at between100℃-160℃. By adding appropriate amount of additives modulated the resin (melamine resin must be added to the resin of which10%of the amount of dilution water), using the impregnation drying process to produce fully qualified impregnated decorative paper.In the impregnation process and pilot small scale while pressing for the corresponding process finishes testing and factory production, the results show that the three-level impregnated decorative paper and particleboard substrate group E2blank in the hot plate temperature of182-190℃, Pressure of pressing unit2-2.5MPa, hot closing time of40to50seconds of conventional hot pressing process conditions, to produce decorative panels E1formaldehyde emission level standard, with excellent wear tolerance properties, other properties also have reached the national standard.Based on the above test can be concluded: the subject of the study of urea-formaldehyde resin and melamine-formaldehyde resin can be used not only completely impregnated decorative paper production, and post-impregnated paper, decorative veneer panels with low formaldehyde, high wear resistance, high tolerance, etc. superior performance, fully explain the two resins is a high physical and chemical properties and application.
