

Research on Supply Chain Risk Control for Bamboo Plywood in Hunan Provice

【作者】 曾小娇

【导师】 王忠伟;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化的加快发展,供应链管理这种集成化的管理模式在各个领域得到了广泛的应用。湖南是我国竹类资源的主要分布区,竹胶合板作为竹产业中产值最大的部分,具有广阔的应用前景。然而供应链管理在给竹胶合板企业带来价值与竞争力的同时也会带来风险,只有将风险造成的损失控制在最低程度,才能保证供应链安全并高效地运作。因此,研究竹胶合板供应链的风险控制问题,具有重大的理论和现实意义。本论文以供应链风险管理的相关理论为基础,以控制竹胶合板供应链的风险为目标,针对竹胶合板供应链风险的识别、评价和控制进行了研究。文章首先对供应链风险管理的相关理论、竹胶合板供应链的内涵以及发展现状进行了研究;然后运用德尔菲法对竹胶合板供应链风险进行识别,建立风险评价指标体系和评价模型,进而运用模糊综合评价法对已识别的风险进行定量评价;接着以A公司为例进行供应链风险实例分析;最后本文在对竹胶合板供应链风险识别、评价研究的基础上,提出竹胶合板供应链风险的控制措施,建立供应链风险研究模型,并据此说明风险控制的具体实施步骤。本研究旨在对湖南竹胶合板供应链风险进行识别、分析、评价和控制。将供应链风险管理理念应用于竹胶合板产业,具体指导竹材产业在供应链管理中如何防范风险,提升竹胶合板供应链的风险控制能力,从而保证供应链高效稳定的运作。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of global economic integration, Supply chain management get a wide range of applications in all fields as a kind of integrated management mode. Hunan as the main distribution area of bamboo resource in our country, Bamboo plywood has the broad application prospect as the largest part of the output value in bamboo industry. However,when supply chain management bring in value and competitiveness forbamboo plywood enterprise, at the same time,it has also brought the risk. Only controlling the damage of the risk control in the lowest extent that supply chain can flexible, safe and efficient operation. Therefore,it is of great theoretical and realistic significance to develop a feel for the importance of supply chain risk control.Based on the theory of supply chain risk management,identification,assessment and control about bamboo plywood supply chain risk was researched.Firstly,the theory, background, concept and development status of bamboo plywood supply chain was recearched.Secondly, the bamboo plywood supply chain risk is being presented by the Delphi method,then establish the risk evaluation index system and evaluation model. The risk of identified were being evaluated quantificationally by the multi-level fuzzy judgment method.Thirdly,case study was did by taking one of the bamboo plywood enterprise which named A.At last, Finally,based on the research in identification and assessment about supply chain risk of bamboo plywood, analyzed the bamboo plywood industry supply chain risk control measures overall, established the supply chain risk investigation model,and explained risk recognition and the control concrete implementation step according to the above.This research plans to establish a risk evaluation model to control the risk of the bamboo plywood supply chain. Proposes the idea of supply chain management technology into bamboo plywood industry to prevent risk,which can mprove the supply chain of the bamboo plywood risk control ability, so as to ensure high efficiency and stability of the supply chain operation.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.88;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】101
  • 攻读期成果