

The Preliminary Research on Managemental Countermeasure of the Rocky Desertification Region in Yongzhou City of Hunan Province

【作者】 余晓丹

【导师】 喻勋林;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 林业, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 永州位于湖南省西南部,属中亚热带季风湿润气候。永州是湖南石漠化地区典型的代表之一。2010-2012年期间,作者对永州石漠化地区植被类型做了详细调查。本文主要从永州石漠化地区植物种类的组成、植被类型及植物群落类型以及主要造林树种和配置方式三方面进行了详细分析与探讨,以期为石漠化地区的治理提供必要的基础前提和一定的理论技术指导。通过作者实地考察,永州石漠化地区共记载维管束植物127科330属513种。其中,蕨类植物11科12属14种;种子植物116科318属499种。种子植物中,裸子植物3科4属4种;被子植物113科314属495种。永州石漠化地区存在两类植被类型,即常绿与落叶阔叶混交林,落叶阔叶林。其中,常绿与落叶阔叶混交林存在5个植物群落类型,即细叶青冈-落叶阔叶树混交林、桂花-落叶阔叶混交林、尖叶栎-落叶阔叶树混交林、东南栲-落叶阔叶树混交林、青冈-落叶阔叶树混交林;落叶阔叶林存在9个植物群落类型,即小叶栎林、栓皮栎林、麻栎和槲栎林、皂荚和尾叶紫薇林、翅荚香槐林、湖南山核桃林、黄连木林、光皮株木和榔榆林、光皮株木林。结合永州石漠化地区现状和树种选择原则,树种选择以适宜该区域石灰岩丘陵生长的顶极群落树种,恢复顶极群落植被,根据立地情况,并结合种源、种子、育苗难度,可考虑的树种有:常绿树种,以青冈栎、细叶青冈为主,并可考虑尖叶栎、东南栲、桂花等;落叶树种可供选择的较多,有栓皮栎、麻栎、翅荚香槐、皂夹、黄连木、光皮株、朴树、青檀、翅荚木等。该区域应当以生态林为主,不宜经营用材林及其它经济林木,但在土层深的山脚,可适当经营水果等经济林。永州石漠化地区宜采用封禁为主,石漠化较严重、顶极群落树种母树缺乏的区域,应当进行顶极树种的营造。石灰岩植被恢复是一个长期、缓慢的过程,进行严格封禁和保护。

【Abstract】 Yongzhou City is located in Southwest of Hunan Province and belongs to subtropical monsoon climate. Yongzhou City is one of exemplary representatives on rocky desertification regions in Hunan Province. During the time of2010-2012, vegetation forms were investigated carefully on rocky desertification regions in Yongzhou City by author. The results are composed by3parts which are detailed analysis and investigation. They are composition of plant species, vegetation forms and plant coenotypes, as well as reproducing tree species and growing patterns.There are513vascular plant species on rocky desertification regions including127families and330genera. Among them, there are14species of pteridophyte including11families and12genera, as well as499species of seed-bearing plants including116families and308genera. In the seed-bearing plants, there are4species of gymnospermae including3families and4genera, as well as there are495species of angiosperm including113families and314genera.There are2vegetable forms on the rocky desertification regions in Yongzhou City. That is to say mingled forest of evergreen and broadleaved leaves and broadleaved deciduous forest. Among the mingled forest of evergreen and broadleaved leaves, there are5plant coenotypes. They mean that Cyclobalanopsis gracilis mingled forest of broadleaved deciduous, Osmanthus fragrans mingled forest of broadleaved deciduous, Quercus oxyphylla mingled forest of broadleaved deciduous, Castanopsis jucunda mingled forest of broadleaved deciduous and Cyclobalanopsis glauca mingled forest of broadleaved deciduous. Among the broadleaved deciduous forest, there ate9plant coenotypes. They mean that Quercus chenii forest, Quercus variabilis forest, Quercus acutissima and Quercus aliena forest, Gleditsia sinensis and Lagerstroemia caudata forest, Cladrastis platycarpa forest, Carya hunanensis forest, Pistacia chinensis forest, Cornus wilsoniana and Ulmus parvifolia forest, Cornus wilsoniana forest.Combined with present situation of the rocky desertification regions and selection principles of trees in Yongzhou City, some tree species are considered according to provenance, seed, grow seedlings difficulty. Climate tree species are suitable to growing on the rocky desertification regions and climate vegetation are recovered. They are evergreen tree species and deciduous tree species. Evergreen tree species include Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon and Cyclobalanopsis gracilis. Deciduous tree species include Quercus variabilis, Quercus acutissima, Cladrastis platycarpa, Pistacia chinensis, Swida wilsoniana, Celtis sinensis, Pteroceltis tatarinowii and other species. Ecological forests are growing. Timber forests and other trees of economic value are not managed. But in the foot of Moutain, some fruit trees are suitable to manage. Seal and ban forest is a major measure on the rocky desertification in Yongzhou City. Some climate tree species should be managed in the serious regions and area of lacking mother tree. Vegetational recoveration of limestone is a long-term and slow process. As well as vegetation are protected seriously.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】1
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