

Research of Rural Grass-roots Democracy from the Perspective of Mass Communication

【作者】 邵平安

【导师】 韩伟表;

【作者基本信息】 浙江海洋学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪以来,随着海洋经济高速发展,海洋战略引起国家高度重视,上升为国家战略。2011年6月30日,继上海浦东、天津滨海以及重庆两江后,浙江舟山群岛成为第四个国家级新区,也是首个以海洋经济为发展主题的国家级新区,舟山群岛的发展进入全新时期。一直以来,党风廉政建设都是社会经济发展的有力保障,起着保驾护航的作用。2010年3月,中纪委、中宣部、监察部、新闻出版总署、文化部、广电总局等部门联合下发《关于加强廉政文化建设的意见》,全国上下各相关单位根据这一文件精神,紧密结合实际,开展了形式多样的廉政文化创建活动。海洋经济上升为国家战略后,海岛的党风廉政建设的紧迫性和重要性日益突出。在这两个大背景之下,研究海岛渔农村廉政文化建设具有重要的理论与实践意义。海岛渔农村廉政文化建设既是海洋经济发展的助推器,为海岛经济发展创造崇廉尚洁的社会环境,有效提升党员干部自律意识和服务效能;又是廉政文化建设的重要组成部分,让廉政文化真正走进千家万户,走进广大海岛渔农村党员领导干部和普通农民群众中,促进廉政文化建设的整体推进。文章首先对廉政文化的内涵及其特征进行了阐述,指出廉政文化是指运用文学、艺术、制度等形式,宣传、倡导廉政,推行廉洁政治生活方式,营造良好的廉政文化精神氛围,从而达到社会动员,共同促进国家机关和公务人员廉政的目的,具有传承性、先进性、渗透性三个特点,力求从本质上了解廉政文化;其次通过中国传统廉政文化的传承进一步了解廉政文化的内涵及其特征,归纳起来主要有修身明志、节俭爱民、任用贤能、公正无私等内容;然后对当前农村廉政文化建设的现状和发展进行分析,寻找共通点,通过深入研究,指出加强海岛渔农村廉政文化建设是文化先进性建设的内在动力、是渔农村两委会建设的重要举措、是抑制“腐败文化”的迫切要求,最后以舟山市、北禅乡、桃花镇、环南街道为例分析海岛渔农村廉政文化建设的现状与问题,探讨海岛渔农村廉政文化建设重视的程度不够、导向的作用不够、内容的丰富性不够、方式方法简单等存在问题,在此基础上提出了发挥传统道德的教化作用、建立廉政的长效机制、创新廉政文化内涵、丰富廉政文化基础设施等对策,以加强海岛渔农村廉政文化建设。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of21st century, marine economy is developing very fast, and themarine strategy also attracts national leaders’ attention. On June30,2011, Zhoushanbecame another national district after Shanghai Pudong, Tianjin Binhai and ChongqingLiangjiang, it’s also the first area with the theme of marine economy. Development of theZhoushan Island entered a new era. Over the past few years, promoting ethical party andGovernment is the strong guarantee of the social and economic development; it plays a roleof escorting. In March2010, The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, theCentral Propaganda Department, the Ministry and the Ministry of culture, the SARFT, andthe Press and Publication Administration press jointly issued a document on the” Views onstrengthening the construction of honest and clean government culture”. All localities anddepartments carry out various forms of creative activities about the honest and cleangovernment culture in close connection with reality. Island economy rises to nationalstrategy, promoting ethical party and Government has became increasingly prominent, inthe context of two large background, there is great theoretical and practical significance ofstudying Island fisheries theory and practice of honest and clean government culturalconstruction. Island fishing village of honest and clean government cultural construction isdeveloping marine economy booster, can effectively strengthen party member cadres ’awareness of self-discipline and service effectiveness, it creates the honest and clean socialenvironment for the economic development of the islands; it’s also the important part ofthe honest and clean government cultural construction, connected with the millions ofhouseholds, walked into the rural party members and ordinary farmers, promoted theoverall effort of the honest and clean government cultural construction.First, this article elaborates on the connotation and features for honest and cleangovernment cultural, seeks to fundamentally understanding independent Commissionagainst corruption culture. Second, it goes to understand the connotation and features forhonest and clean government cultural through the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture.Then it analyzes on current rural independent Commission against corruption cultureconstruction of status and development, and looking for common points. At last, it will gointo depth research, exposing significance on how to strength Islands agricultural fishingvillage independent Commission against corruption culture construction, analysis the statusand problem of Islands agricultural fishing village independent Commission againstcorruption culture construction, discuss the existing problems of causes with Islandsagricultural fishing village independent Commission against corruption cultureconstruction. On the basis, we propose countermeasures about how to strength the islandsfishing village of honest and clean government cultural construction and how to improvethe rural fishing village of honest and clean government cultural construction of the island.
