

Status Quo of Recreational Fishery in Zhoushan Area and the Study of Its Development Countermeasure

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 陈炳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江海洋学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以舟山经济新区的休闲渔业为研究对象,从事实出发,首次以调研、访谈为主要手段获取舟山休闲渔业发展的基本情况,填补了舟山在休闲渔业发展方面的信息空白;同时,针对当前休闲渔业发展的问题,例如开发过程具有盲目性、缺乏理论性指导等问题,从资源学、经济学、管理学以及市场学等几个方面的理论来建立理性、合理的、可持续的休闲渔业开发。通过总结调研数据和结果,借助理论探讨,提炼出了舟山休闲渔业发展的总体理论框架,力求使舟山的休闲渔业开发上升到新的理论层面,这对舟山休闲渔业开发的理论研究和实践都有重要指导意义。通过调查走访、数据统计和SWOT分析,对舟山经济新区目前休闲渔业的基本状况有了较为全面的了解。舟山有着发展休闲渔业最基本的物质基础优势,地理位置、气候、资源条件都决定了大力发展舟山休闲渔业势在必行。而在发展过程中遇到的问题几乎都来自于“人力”,包括知识结构、管理经营理念、组织方式等都存在落后和不足。而当前的形势既有机遇又有挑战,必须在大量的事实和充分的分析基础知识做出合理可行的规划和策略,才能够真正使舟山休闲渔业走向全新的腾飞发展之路。

【Abstract】 Studies on status quo and development level of Zhoushan were carried out in ourresearch based on surveys and interviews data, which was firstly summarized for thedevelopment of Zhoushan recreational fishery. Recreational fishery is a new industry andcorresponding theories are rare at present. In this paper, theories of resource, economics,management and market were taken as elements tools to analyze the condition andprospects of Zhoushan recreational fishery. And finally, the general tragedy and measuresfor sustainable exploration and development for Zhoushan recreational fishery wereadvices rationally.The data of surveys and interviews showed that Zhoushan had very fascinatingresources for recreational fishery development. Visitors and customers showed largeinterest on Zhoushan’s climate, foods, fishery sceneries and the way of life. All of theseobjective conditions should be utilized effectively for long term development. It is verynecessary for Zhoushan to do it. Now, there are still many problems for Zhoushnrecreational fishery, most of which are subjective, such as the knowledge structure of staff,the management philosophy of managers and organizers, the items for consumers and soon. Facing the opportunities and challenges, reasonable decisions must be made toaccelerate the development of Zhoushan recreational fishery. In the end of the paper, welisted several conceptions and measures based on objective facts and integrated analysis.

  • 【分类号】F326.4;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】278
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