

Clinical Research for Epigastric Twelve Needles in the Treatment of Gastralgia caused by Hepatic Stasis

【作者】 姚燕

【导师】 曾红文;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的本研究采用随机对照的方法比较胃脘十二针与常规取穴治疗肝郁脾虚型胃脘痛的临床疗效差别,并从理论和临床研究两个方面探讨胃脘十二针治疗肝郁脾虚型胃脘痛的机制。方法将入选的60例合格受试者随机分为治疗组30例,治疗组30例。治疗组:采用胃脘十二针(上脘、中脘、下脘、双足三里、气海、双天枢、双内关、双太冲)治疗。对照组:参照2002年中国中医药出版社《针灸学》教材胃脘痛症取穴(双足三里、双内关、中脘、双太冲、双期门、双脾俞、气海)治疗。两组穴位每日上午进行针刺,1次,周一至周五,周六、日休息。每次针刺时,直刺进针,参照2009年第1版《刺法灸法学》采用中度刺激提插捻转手法得气后,接66805—-1型电针仪,选用连续波,50Hz,强度以患者能耐受为度。每次留针20min,10次为一个疗程,1个疗程结束后观察疗效。两组均在首次治疗前、治疗3天、一周及一个疗程(2周)结束时记录各观察指标所得数据,并进行评分以观察其疗效。结果治疗组有效率为86.67%,对照组有效率为63.33%,两组有效率比较差异明显(P<0.05),治疗组优于对照组。对两组病人治疗前后进行临床症候及发作频度评分,两组自身治疗前后对比均有统计学意义(P<O.01),治疗后组间比较(P<0.01),治疗组疗效亦优于对照组。发作频度总体分析,治疗组疗效优于对照组。结论胃脘十二针治疗肝郁脾虚型胃脘痛,具有一定的临床实效性和推广性。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveThis study compares the effect differences between Epigastric Twelve Needles in the treatment and conventional acupuncture treatment of Gastralgia caused by Hepatic Stasis, and through theoretical and clinical researches on two aspects to discuss the main Twelve Needles in the treatment of Gastralgia caused by Hepatic Stasis.MethodsThe60selected cases of eligible subjects are randomly divided into the treatment group of30cases and the control group of30cases. The treatment group:treatment by Epigastric Twelve Needles (Shangwan, Zhongwan, Xiawan, the double Zusanli, Qihai, the double Tianshu, the double Neiguan, the double Sanyinjiao). Control group:treatment refered to the textbook—《Acupuncture and Moxibustion》 published by the China Press of traditional Chinese medicine in2002(the double Zusanli, the double Neiguan, Zhongwan, the double Taichong, the double Pishu, the double Qimen, Qihai).All the subjects are treated by acupuncture in the every morning. Plug the needles into the skin vertically, and then get gas by referring to the textbook—《Acupuncture and Moxibustion》 published in2002with moderate stimulation lifting and thrusting twirling. Connect with the electroacupuncture instrument by the type of G6805-1and use continuous wave50-100Hz with the strength degree toleranced to patients. We can do it every day for once from Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday we have a break. Every treatment retains needles in20minutes and10times are a course to observe the curative effect. The two groups are recorded each outcome measure data before the treatment or the treatment in the first3days a week and a course of the treatment (2weeks) in order to to observe the effect of scoring. Follow the patients who are on the treatment after a course of15days to understand the efficacy persistence.ResultsThe effective rate of treatment group is86.67%and the effective rate of control group is63.33%.Two groups have obviously differences (P<0.05). The treatment group is superior to the control group. On two groups of patients before and after treatment, clinical symptoms and seizure frequency score, two groups of their own compared before and after treatment are statistically significant (P<0.01). After the treatment between two groups (P<0.01), effect of the treatment group is superior to control group. Seizure frequency overall analysis, the effects of treatment group are better than the control group.ConelusionEpigastric Twelve Needles for treatment of Gastralgia caused by Hepatic Stasis, with some clinical effectiveness, and worthy of popularization.

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