

The Research on Appointment System of China’s Civil Servants

【作者】 茆磊

【导师】 茆邦寿;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代以来,在全球化、信息化的浪潮推动下,建立在韦伯官僚制理论基础上的传统行政模式开始暴露出越来越多的弊端,一些西方发达国家纷纷开始相应的改革活动,即公共管理运动。公共管理运动以建立效率、服务品质、责任心与顾客导向性的政府为主要目标。众所周知,“职位常任制”是西方国家早期公务员制度的一个最明显的特征。但是,随着各国行政环境的变化以及公务员制度自身的不断发展,“职位常任制”的缺陷逐步的暴露出来。于是在一些国家的人事制度改革中出现了一些以劳动合同为基础的雇佣人员,这种新型的用人方式展现出了较高的工作效率与较低的行政成本,具有很强的弹性与灵活性。许多国家传统的公务员制度都在一定程度上受到了公务员聘任制的冲击,公务员聘任制被越来越多的国家采用,逐渐成为一种趋势。目前在主要西方发达国家的部门机构中,政府雇佣人员的数量大致占公务员队伍的20%左右。我国自上个世纪80年代开始至今,对公务员聘任制的探索就一直没有停止过。但由于缺乏相关的法律法规,我国的公务员聘任制在实践中遇到了许许多多的困难,大部分的实践效果不够理想。不断变化的全球社会、政治、文化、经济环境对我国各级机关单位的行政能力提出了更高的要求,相应的也对我国现有的公务员制度带来一定程度上的考验。2006年1月1日开始实施的《公务员法》规定了公务员聘任的聘任范围、聘任方式、管理方法以及纠纷解决机制,以法律的形式确定了我国的公务员聘任制度。但是公务员聘任制在我国还处于探索阶段,相关理论研究、配套的法规和具体的实施办法相对匮乏,在实践过程中也出现了一些问题。为此,本文试图以公务员聘任制的理论基础和现实背景为切入点,在广泛吸收现有研究成果的基础上,通过概括公务员聘任制在我国的实践情况,总结出我国公务员聘任制的主要模式,分析出我国现行的公务员聘任制在实施过程中存在的一些突出问题,再结合部分典型发达国家和地区的公务员聘任制的实践情况,针对我国的公务员聘任制提出了相关对策思路,希望对我国目前正在实施的公务员聘任制有一定的启示作用,从而为国家公务员法的实施以及国家公务员法的不断完善提供一些值得思考的意见,以推动我国公务员管理制度的进一步完善。

【Abstract】 Since the nineteen seventies, under the context of globalization and information tide drive below, established in the bureaucracy theory based on the traditional administrative pattern began to expose more and more disadvantages, some western developed countries have started corresponding reform activities, namely "public management movement". The campaign to establish public management efficiency, service quality, sense of responsibility and customer oriented government as the main target. As everyone knows,"In western countries,"position permanent system" is one of the most obvious characteristics in the early civil service system. However, with the change of the administrative environment and the continuous development of their national civil service system, Defects of "position permanent system" gradually exposed. So in some countries in the reform of personnel system and some emerged to labor contract based on employment personnel, this new way show higher working efficiency and lower the administrative cost while with strong elasticity and flexibility. In many countries, the traditional civil service system is to a certain extent by the impact of the employment system of civil servants, and adept by more and more countries.Currently in the major western developed countries’agencies, Nearly20%of civil servants are government employees.From eighty times last centuries,Our country began up to work with civil servant engaging system and the exploration have been not stopped. But due to the lack of relevant implementing regulations and related laws and regulations, China’s civil servant engaging system in practice has encountered many difficulties, most of the practice effect is not very ideal. The changing global social, political, cultural, economic environment on China’s various organs and units of the administrative ability raised taller requirement, corresponding to our current system of civil servants to bring a certain degree of test. In2006, the introduction of "civil law" stipulates the scope of civil service appointment, employment, management method and dispute settlement mechanism, in the form of law in China is determined by the civil service appointment system. But the employment system of civil servants in China is still in the exploratory stage, relevant theoretical research, the specific implementation measures and supporting laws and regulations are relatively scarce, in practice there are some problems in the process. Therefore, this article attempts to civil servant engaging system theoretical basis and the realistic background as the breakthrough point, to learn and master the existing on the basis of research results, through the summary of civil servant engaging system practice in our country, summed up China’s civil servant appointment system is the main mode, analysis of China’s current civil servant engaging system in the implementation of in the process of some existing problems, combined with some typical developed countries and regions of the civil servant engaging system of practice, in view of our country’s civil servant engaging system put forward the related countermeasure train of thought, the hope of China’s ongoing civil servant engaging system has certain enlightenment function, so as to promote China’s civil servant management system further development, and for the implementation of the state civil service law and the implementation of the national civil service law is ceaseless and perfect offer some reflections on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期