

Study on the Jingkang Calamity and the Change of Lv Ben-zhong’s Poems

【作者】 焦群

【导师】 吴怀东;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 公元1127年,金人的铁蹄踏入北宋都城汴京,宋徽宗、钦宗二帝被俘北去,北宋灭亡,史称“靖康之变”。这可谓宋代最重大的历史事件了。出身北宋世家大族,在北宋诗坛已具诗名的吕本中不幸身逢这一惊天剧变。金人两番围攻汴京城,他皆在城中,得以亲眼目睹、亲身感受靖康之变的方方面面。汴京围解后,他踏上南下逃亡的漂泊之路,从此至死,未得北归。靖康之变对吕本中的生活产生了巨大的影响。首先,因为靖康之变,吕本中离开中原故土,被迫南渡,生活空间上由北方向南方转移。其次,生活质量由靖康之变前的诗酒风流下降到靖康之变后的颠沛流离、衣食无着。再次,靖康之变前,身为贵胄子弟,过着安适生活的吕本中心境轻松平和,而经历了家国之变,饱尝了战乱之苦后,诗人心境悲愤沉痛,再难如从前。两番经历宋、金汴京围城战的吕本中在围城中已运史笔于诗歌,直接描写靖康之变的方方面面;南渡后,吕本中仍用诗歌时时表现对靖康之变的回忆。靖康之变对吕本中诗歌创作的影响还表现在题材内容、意象、风格等方面。靖康之变前,吕本中诗歌的题材内容主要有以下三类:优游唱和的闲适、位卑官冷功业无成的苦闷、感念时事;而靖康之变后其诗歌的题材内容主要包括以下四类:乱离之苦、家国之思、时事之念、归隐之兴。靖康之变使吕本中诗歌的意象选择也产生了巨大的变化。靖康之变前月意象大量出现于吕诗中,表达闲适之情、怀友思乡之感;而靖康之变后吕本中对中原意象钟爱不已,常用它表达对故国的思念和回归故国的渴望以及失国的悲凉,所以月意象、中原意象分别是靖康之变前、后吕本中诗歌的主题意象。靖康之变前、后吕本中皆爱用雁意象,但两个时期他笔下的雁意象内涵不尽相同。靖康之变前吕本中常用雁意象寄怀友思亲之情、寓人生遭遇的凄凉悲苦,而靖康之变后吕诗的雁意象内涵在承续先前的基础上,又有了新的拓展,寄飘零之叹、家国之思,是南渡人的群体象征。以靖康之变为界,吕本中诗歌的风格发生了巨大变化,靖康之变前清新圆活似谢朓,靖康之变后沉郁顿挫似杜甫。与吕本中一样经历了靖康之变的宋代诗人难以数计,通览袁行霈主编的《中国文学史》所收的15位两宋之际著名作家以及《全宋诗》中所载两宋之际其他一些著名诗人的诗歌,可大体看出靖康之变对宋诗演变的巨大影响,主要表现为:一、诗歌的写实性加强,继承杜甫的“诗史”精神,以时事入诗;二、诗歌中的爱国主义精神高昂。如果没有靖康之变,宋诗也许会沿着北宋“大晟词人”粉饰现实或者江西诗派末流生硬艰涩的路子走下去,然而靖康之变给宋诗注入了新的活力,把宋诗推进了一种新的境地。由此可见,重大的政治历史事件尤其是突变事件,往往会改变文学的面貌甚至发展轨迹。

【Abstract】 In1127AD, Jin occupied the city of Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song, and captured the Emperors Hui Zong and Qin Zong. The Northern Song Dynasty perished, and this is known as "the Jingkang Calamity", which can be described as the most significant historical event in the Song dynasty.Lv Ben-zhong, a poet from a famous family, had gained his prestige in poetic circles in the Northern Song Dynasty. Unfortunately, he experienced "the Jingkang Calamity". He was in the city twice the time when Jin besieged the city of Bianjing, and witnessed all aspects of "the Jingkang Calamity". He fleed to the south when Bianjing sieged and never went back to the north."The Jingkang Calamity" had a significant impact on Lv Ben-zhong’s life. First of all, his living space changed from the north to the south; secondly, the quality of his life declined; the last but not the least, his mood also changed from relaxed to sad.Twice experienced the war between Song and Jin in the city of Bianjing, Lv Ben-zhong had directly described all aspects of "The Jingkang Calamity" in his poems when he was hemed in the city. After he ferried southward, he still wrote in his poems from time to time about the memories of "The Jingkang Calamity".The experience of "The Jingkang Calamity" affected the subject, content, images, and style of Lv Ben-zhong’s poems. Before "The Jingkang Calamity", the subject and content of his poems mainly concluded the following three categories:leisure song for fun, the sadness of his low official position, and his view of current events; while after "The Jingkang Calamity", the subject and content of his poems changed to the following four categories:the plight of refugees, homesick, view of current events, and longing for hermitage."The Jingkang Calamity" changed the images in his poems as well. The image of moon appeared frequently in his poems before "The Jingkang Calamity", but after that the image of the Central Plains appeared more. He liked to use the image of wild goose in his poems both before and after "The Jingkang Calamity", but the connotations were quite different. The style of Lv Ben-zhong’ poems also changed a lot. Before "The Jingkang Calamity", it was fresh like Xie Tiao’s poems; but after that, it was sad like Du Fu’s poems.There were many poets in the Song Dynasty who had the same experience like Lv Ben-zhong. From poems of the15famous poets lived between the two Song Dynastys in the book of Chinese Literary History compiled by Yuan Xing-pei and another famous poets in The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty it can be easily found that "The Jingkang Calamity" had a tremendous impact to the change of the poetries in the Song Dynasty. Firstly, the realism was strengthened, Du Fu’s "Epic" spirit was preservated and the current affairs were put into the poetries; secondly, the spirit of patriotisms was high in the poetries."The Jingkang Calamity" injected new vitality to the poetries in the Song Dynasty, it advanced the poetries in the Song Dynasty to a new position. Thus, the important political and historical events, especially the mutational events, tend to change the face of literature and even the development path.

【关键词】 靖康之变吕本中诗歌
【Key words】 the Jingkang CalamityLv Ben-zhongpoem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期