

Coherence Variation of Ground Motion with Depths

【作者】 王招招

【导师】 王国新;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地震地面运动是一复杂的时空过程,同一次地震中不同场点的地震运动过程是不同的,这是因为地震波在传播过程中具有行波效应、相干效应、局部场地效应和衰减效应的影响。我们知道,在进行工程结构抗震设计时均应考虑地震动空间变异性的影响,因此,地震动空间相干性研究就成为地震动输入研究的基础,是近年来地震工程和结构抗震设计研究的重点。另一方面,进行地震动空间相干性研究对于地震危险性分析、损失评估、灾后救援及灾后重建等工作都具有十分重要的意义。本文利用美国加州强震观察计划的Treasure Island台阵的6次地震、La Cienega台阵的14次地震和Eureka Samoa台阵的3次地震的强震记录,计算了各个台阵地表与土层不同深度处以及土层最深处与以上各场点的地震动相干函数,运用随机统计方法系统地研究了地震动相干函数在不同深度、不同场地条件、不同地震震中距情况下水平分量和竖向分量的变化规律,并提出了合理的经验相干函数模型,得出地震动空间相干性的一般规律。考虑具体研究内容归纳如下:第一部分:本文利用CSMIP3个台阵在23次地震中取得的303条地震记录,应用平均周期图法分别计算了Treasure Island台阵、La Cienega台阵和Eureka Samoa台阵在各自场地条件下地表与以下各场点的地震动相干函数及土层最深处与以上各场点的地震动相干函数。第二部分:考虑到场地条件、震源情况及传播途径对地震动相干性的影响。本文采用随机统计方法研究地震动相干性,并提出了在不同土层深度处,与震中距、频率及场点间距相关的相干函数模型。第三部分:整理了三个台站的回归信息,得到三个台阵分别在地表(0m)与以下-10m、-30m、-100m处及土层最深处(-100m)与以上-90m、-70m、Om处,且在震中距分别为10Km、30km、60km、100km时的相干函数来说明地震动在空间不同点的相干性变化规律。

【Abstract】 Earthquake ground motion is a complex temporal and spatial process, the ground motion differs in location in one earthquake, due to the effects of wave passage, incoherence, site response and attenuation. The spatial coherency relationship of ground motion is becoming a key concern of earthquake engineering and seismic design research-for the reason that it is a basis for the study of spatial variability of ground motion and also plays a significant role in seismic hazard analysis, loss assessment, disaster relief and reconstruction, etc.The ground motion coherence analysis with variation of depths of soil layer is performed using three array’s strong motion recordings including six earthquakes of Treasure Island array, fourteen earthquakes of La-Cienega array and three earthquakes of Eureka Samoa array in California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program. The regularity the ground motion coherence with change of depth, site condition, and earthquake epicenter distance is studied through this process. A reasonable experience coherence model is presented. The details of this dissertation are as follows:Part Ⅰ:The ground motion coherence of both the ground surface with different depth of soil layer and the deepest point of soil layer with different points above are calculated at Tre(?)ure Island array, La-Cienega array and Eureka Samoa array, using average periodogram algorithm based on303seismic recordings in23earthquake of three CSMIP arrays.Part Ⅱ:Considering the influence of site condition, epicenter and transmission route, the ground motion coherence with change of depth of soil layer, earthquake epicenter distance, frequency and distance of area points is studied using the random statistical method.Part Ⅲ:After arrangement the regression information of three arrays, the coherency function of three arrays is obtained at the depth of Om to-10m,0m to-30m,0m to-100m,-100m to-90m,100m to-70m and-100m to0m with different earthquake epicenter distance of10km,30km,60km and100km to illustrate coherency the variation law of correlation of ground motion in different spatial points.
