

Three Seismic Design Methods Comparison Study of Continuous Beam Bridge

【作者】 卢兰刚

【导师】 邱文亮;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着交通运输特别是高等级公路的迅速发展,要求行车平顺舒适,多伸缩缝的悬臂梁桥和T形刚构桥就不能满足这个要求,这使得超静定结构连续梁桥以其结构刚度大、变形小、伸缩缝少和行车平稳舒适等突出优点而得到了迅速的发展。混凝土连续箱梁是成熟、普遍的桥梁主梁形式,在许多工程特别是国内已建或在建的跨海大桥中得到广泛运用。鉴于当前我国面临着十分严峻的地震形势和连续梁桥越来越广泛应用在工程实践中,对桥梁工程进行正确的抗震设计对于我国基础设施建设有着越来越重要的作用。本文以大连市普湾新区十六号路跨海桥梁工程为背景,采用Midas/Civil有限元软件,通过反应谱分析和时程分析对其引桥部分的一联连续梁桥(3×50m)进行E1、E2两级设防水准下的地震响应计算。E2地震作用下,允许结构进入塑性状态,本文采用如下三种方案对结构进行抗震设计:(1)通过固定墩墩底塑性铰机制的形成,降低结构刚度并延长周期,同时利用塑性铰的滞回特性提供耗能能力,对结构进行延性分析;(2)利用铅芯橡胶支座代替普通钢支座,使地震能量转移到减隔震装置上,避免了设置固定桥墩承担较大的地震力作用,使地震力较均匀地分配在各墩,减小固定墩所受地震力;(3)通过在活动墩设置Lock-up瞬间锁定装置,使桥墩在罕遇地震下共同承担结构所受的地震力。通过对三种方案在连续梁桥中的应用研究表明:三种抗震设计方案都能够有效地减小结构所受地震力的影响。延性分析通过塑性铰机制的形成,使固定墩墩底截面进入塑性,避免了结构的倒塌。利用铅芯橡胶支座对结构进行减隔震设计,可以地震能量转移到减隔震装置上,大大减小传递到结构重要构件上的地震力,且铅芯橡胶支座在地震力作用下的最大剪切位移小于其允许剪切位移,避免了结构构件受到损伤。通过Lock-up装置在强震下对活动墩的锁定,使活动墩同固定墩一起承担地震力,有效的减小了固定墩上的位移及内力响应。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of transportation,especially high-grade highways, cantilever bridge with mult-expansion joints and T-shaped rigid frame bridge will not be able to meet the requirement of driving smoothly and comfortable,which makes the statically indeterminate continuous girder bridge with its outstanding merits of structural stiffhesslarge,small deformation,expansion joints and driving smoothly and comfortable to get a rapid development. Concrete continuous box girder is mature and general in the form of bridges,has been widely used in many cross-sea projects which have been built or under construction.Currentlly,China is facing a severe earthquake situation and the continuous beam bridge is more and more widely used in engineering practice, to correct the seismic design of bridge engineering for the infrastructure construction in China has been leading an increasingly important role.This article make the16th Road cross-sea bridge engineering which located in Dalian puwan new area as the background, using the Midas/Civil finite element software to calculate a span of an associated continuous beam bridge (3x50m) dynamic response under the two seismic fortification criterions with response spectrum analysis and time history analysis approach.The structure will enter the plastic state under the earthquake action E2,the paper will use the following programs for seismic design:(1) The formation mechanism of the plastic hinge in the length of plastic hinge at the base of the fixed pier is used for the ductility analysis of the structure;(2) Lead rubber bearing is used for the seismic isolation design of the structure;(3) The Lock-up instantly locking device is used to make the piers to shared seismic forces excited by earthquake action E2.The results of three programs of seismic design in continuous girder bridge show that:any of the program can be effective enough to reduce the structural seismic forces excited by earthquake. Ductility analysis use the formation mechanism of the plastic hinge at the base sections of the fixed pier to get into the plastic states, to avoid the collapse of the structure. Lead rubber bearings for seismic isolation design of the structure can change the seismic energy to seismic isolation devices, greatly reduce the seismic forces to the important components on the structure, and the maximum shear displacement of the lead rubber bearing is less than the shear displacement allowed, to avoid damage of structural components. Lock-up devices can effectively reduce the seismic force exerted on fixed pier,but the seismic effect is less obvious than the other two programs.
