

Study on EEDI and Evaluation Index System for Self-elevating Drilling Unit

【作者】 申陶

【导师】 王运龙; 朱伟中;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 船舶与海洋工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 节能减排是当前各行各业普遍关注的热点,低碳经济已经成为全球共识。为了控制和减少航运业以及造船业温室气体是排放,国际海事组织IMO不断推动减排进程。2011年MEPC第62次会议正式通过了两项强制性能效规则EEDI和SEEMP,对全球航运业和造船业带来了一定的影响。虽然目前EEDI适用的船型还不包括占海洋工程装备很大比重的海洋钻井平台,但就IMO推进EEDI的力度和决心来看,海洋装备领域最终也难以幸免,应提前做好研究及应对措施。本文主要研究的是自升式钻井平台的能效。首先参照船舶EEDI计算公式形式,用自升式钻井平台CO2排放指标与代表其社会效益的主要参数引入自升式钻井平台EEDI计算公式。然后搜集全球现役的自升式钻井平台资料,计算EEDI值并对计算结果进行回归分析,得到与船舶参考线形式类似的自升式钻井平台参考线公式。为了提高海洋钻井平台的能效水平,达到低能耗、低排放、安全绿色的发展目标,就必须引进新工艺、新设备、新能源等节能技术。在减少温室气体排放、降低能耗的同时,经济效益和社会效益也得到提高。通过对自升式钻井平台EEDI计算公式的敏感性分析,找出了提高自升式钻井平台能效水平的方向,总结了可用于自升式海洋钻井平台的工艺、装备、以及可再生清洁能源等方面的节能技术和方法。列举了一些已被应用并收到一定效果的节能实例,证明这些节能技术的可行性和经济性。在前面研究的基础上,本文尝试建立绿色自升式钻井平台评价指标体系,利用灰关联分析法和层次分系法,对于综合代表钻井平台技术先进性、经济合理性和环境协调性的评价指标进行分析处理,最终判断自升式钻井平台综合性能的优劣。对海洋钻井平台能效的研究有助于低碳技术在海洋工程装备上的研究、推广以及应用。控制和减少海洋钻井平台温室气体排放、节能减排具有一定的实用价值和战略意义,本文的研究可以为海洋钻井平台设计、建造者提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 Currently, energy-saving is generally becoming the focus of attention of all walks of life, low-carbon economy has become a global consensus. In order to control and reduce the shipping industry and shipbuilding industry greenhouse gas emissions, the International Maritime Organization IMO continuing to promote the reduction process. On the MEPC62nd session in2011, IMO formally adopted the two mandatory energy efficiency rules EEDI and SEEMP, will have a definite impact on the global shipping industry and shipbuilding industry. As the EEDI formula is not suitable for offshore drilling platforms which are accounted a large proportion of marine engineering equipment, but looking for the strength and determination of IMO promote the EEDI, the field of marine equipment can’t spared, we should do the research and response measures in advance.In this paper, study focused on the energy efficiency of the self-elevating drilling unit. First reference to the ship EEDI formula, introduce the offshore platform EEDI formula, using the main parameters on behalf of CO2emission and social benefits. And then collected the world’s existing self-elevating unit fleet data, calculated the EEDI value and regression analysis the results, get the reference line formula.In order to improve the energy efficiency level of the self-elevating drilling unit, achieve the green development goals of low power, low emissions and safe, it is necessary to introduce new equipments and new energy-saving technologies. At the same time of energy-saving, economic and social benefits can also be improved.In this paper the evaluation criteria system for self-elevating unit are proposed. Based on the gray relation analysis(GRA) and the analysis hierarchy process(AHP), analysis the evaluation index on behalf of the technology advancement, economic rationality and environment coordination, ultimately to judge the merits of self-elevating drilling unit performance.Study on the energy efficiency of offshore drilling platform will contribute to the research, extension and application of low-carbon technologies on offshore platform. Control and reduce greenhouse gas emission and energy-saving of offshore drilling platforms has some practical value and strategic significance. This paper could provide a reference for offshore drilling platform design and construction.

  • 【分类号】TE951
  • 【被引频次】1
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