

The Promotion of Rhetorical Invention Awareness in English Teaching at Middle Schools

【作者】 郑艳晶

【导师】 吴克炎;

【作者基本信息】 漳州师范学院 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 写作是中学英语学习四项基本技能之一,在英语学习中占有重要地位。写作是语言的输出形式,也是思维的过程与结果,它既对思维的形成和发展有着重要作用,又直接反映写作者思维水平的高低,因而如何提高写作能力是研究者长期以来关注的问题。随着写作研究的不断深入,写作的目的不仅限于提高写作者的语言能力,更在于促进思维能力的提升,尤其批判性思维能力的提升,而批判性思维能力在写作中又促进解题能力的提高。虽然目前已有的研究表明,在写作中培养修辞发明意识能够提升批判性思维能力,促发解题能力提高,并最终提高写作水平,但这一方法在中学英语写作教学中的应用是否具有可行性和有效性有待进一步研究。本文试图从修辞发明的角度出发,探讨在中学英语写作教学中通过培养修辞发明意识提升学生批判性思维能力,促发解题能力并最终提高写作水平的可行性和有效性。笔者对高二年级102名学生进行为期11周的写作教学实验,以修辞发明理论为指导,选取五种写作策略用于培养学生修辞发明意识。研究发现,接受相关写作训练的学生在修辞发明意识的影响下总体批判性思维能力及解题能力高于未接受修辞发明意识指导的学生,具体体现为前者的写作成绩优于后者,说明修辞发明意识的培养对学生整体批判性思维能力、写作解题能力及写作水平的提升具有积极作用。

【Abstract】 As one of the four basic skills in middle school English learning, writing plays a key rolein English study. It is not only the output of language but also the process and result ofthinking. Writing is vital in the formation and development of thinking, and also reflectswriters’ thinking level. Therefore, the researchers have been thinking about how to improvewriting ability. With the further development of writing researches, the purpose of writing notonly lies in the promotion of writer’s language ability, but also in the promotion of thinkingcompetence. In this process, critical thinking skills should be highly enhanced. Criticalthinking skills in turn can facilitate writing ability. Although the current researches haveshown that having the awareness of rhetorical invention can strengthen critical thinking skills,the ability to understand the requirements and thereby writing ability, a further researchshould be taken to see whether this method is applicable and effective in English writingteaching at the middle school level. This research, designed on the basis of the theories andpractice of rhetorical invention, is to study the effectiveness and validity of implicatingrhetorical invention in English writing to improve the students’ critical thinking skills, theability to understand the requirements and thereby their English writing. The empirical studyinvolved in this research is undertaken among the102senior high school students during a11-week semester. Under the guideline of rhetorical invention, five writing strategies areselected to improve student’s awareness of rhetorical invention during the experimentalsemester. The study finds that the critical thinking level of the students and their abilities tounderstand the requirements affected by the awareness of rhetorical invention is higher thanthat of the students without rhetorical invention awareness and the writing scores of theformer are therefore higher than that of the latter. Therefore the awareness of rhetoricalinvention is proved to be applicable and effective to improve middle school students’ criticalthinking skills, the ability to understand the requirements and thereby writing ability.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】105