

Research on Real-Time Monitoring System for Tunnel Deformation

【作者】 刘林

【导师】 刘成龙;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在学习和总结已有的智能型全站仪自动化测量研究成果的基础上,结合隧道变形监测的实际特点,和基于坐标转换原理和系统差分原理的基准点和监测点单期观测数据的处理方法,以及基于回归分析原理的监测点多期数据的处理方法,利用VisualC#2005程序设计语言、SQL Server2005数据库技术等工具,以智能型全站仪为核心,对隧道变形实时监测系统的软硬件组成进行了研究,并在此基础上开发了一套适用于隧道变形实时监测的软件——TDMS(Tunnel Deformation real-time Monitoring System)。本文的主要内容包括:首先,针对传统隧道监测工作效率低、监测精度受人为因素影响较大等弊端,本文主要介绍了利用计算机控制Leica智能型全站仪(主要针对TPS1000或TPS1200系列)远程在线控制程序的研发过程。通过Leica GeoCOM的ASCII指令协议,TDMS实现了对包括监测点和基准点在内的观测点的周期性自动化和智能化的数据采集工作。其次,针对变形监测中,监测数据随时间逐渐累积和后期需多方面使用等特点,本文利用微软公司的SQL Server2005数据库管理系统,建立了用于保存观测数据和成果数据的隧道变形监测数据库系统,同时实现了对TDMS采集到的数据进行实时的处理分析、入库保存、查询显示等功能。然后,考虑到观测数据一般或多或少的含有各种误差,本文重点研究了基于坐标转换原理和系统差分原理的单期观测数据的处理方法,以及在此基础上,利用回归分析理论对多期数据进行变形分析和预报的数据处理方式。同时,本文还研究了在没有基准点的情况下,对隧道拱顶下沉和围岩收敛进行相对监测的方法。最后,利用实验室的现有资源,通过模拟隧道内的变形监测过程,对TDMS软件中的主要功能模块进行了测试和验证。

【Abstract】 Based on learning and summarizing the existing research fruits for intelligent total-station (also, geo-robot) automatic measurement, the paper, in consideration of the actual characteristics in tunnel deformation monitoring measurement, and grounded on the single-period observation data processing method through the principles of coordinate transformation and of difference, as well as the multi-period data processing method through regression analysis, makes use of the programming language, that is Visual C#2005, and the database technique, that is SQL Server2005, and with the intelligent total-station for nucleus, studies the software and hardware compositions for a tunnel deformation monitoring system, and then on account of the above, develops the program—Tunnel Deformation real-time Monitoring System, TDMS for short.The main contents of this paper include:Firstly, for the disadvantage of low efficiency and the monitoring precision vulnerable to human disturbance in the traditional method of tunnel deformation monitoring, the paper mainly introduces the development of the remotely online control-program loaded on computer to Leica geo-robot (mainly for TPS1000or TPS1200serials). Through the ASCII communication protocol of the Leica GeoCOM, the TDMS realizes the automatic, intelligentized and periodic measurement to the observation points, including monitoring points and datum points.Secondly, in consideration of the figures that the monitoring data will gradually accumulate more and more along with time and be used in a variety of ways in the future, the paper, by SQL Server2005database management system of the Microsoft Corporation, establishes a tunnel deformation monitoring database system to save observation and fruit data, and meanwhile accomplishes the functions of real-time processing and analysis, store into the database, query and display and so on. to the observation data from the TDMS.Then, because, more or less, there are generally various errors in observation data, the paper underlines the single-period observation data processing method based on the principles of coordinate transformation and of difference, and founded on that, the multi-period data processing ways to take defomation analysis and forecast based on regression analysis. Furthermore, the paper also includes the relative monitoring methed for tunnel arch top settlement and surrounding rock convergence with no datum points existing.At last, with the existing resource in the lab, the paper demonstrates the testing and verification to the main function modules of the TDMS through a simulative tunnel deformation monitoring measurement.
