

Study on Operation and Management Model of Stations Based on Rail-water Intermodal Transport

【作者】 龚庆

【导师】 倪少权;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 铁水联运是实现客运零距离换乘、货运无缝衔接的重要手段,是我国目前正在实施的重点项目,具有重要的意义。铁水联运港站作为铁路和水路的衔接点,其衔接渠道不能疏通,铁水联运就无从谈起,而决定港站能否有效运转的中枢是该车站的管理模式是否合理。既有的铁路车站运营管理模式已经不能满足铁水联运环境下港站的运营需求,本论文拟从一体化运输组织的衔接机制入手,在分析既有港站运营管理模式的基础上,对新型铁水联运港站的运营管理模式进行探索,以期为我国铁水联运发展提供一定的支撑。论文首先分析了铁水联运港站的运营管理的内容,包括联运过程中港站的货流组织过程、集装箱货物交接方式、计划编制过程、一关三检过程及票据交接和信息交互方式,进而总结出铁水联运港站在联运过程中,不同于一般铁路集装箱办理站的运营管理特点。其次,在介绍铁水联运系统经济主体及其作用的基础上,结合战略联盟相关理论,对我国现有铁水联运港站的经营管理模式的分类进行探讨,并以大连港、厦门港和青岛港这几个典型的港站为背景,对其采用的经营模式和运营管理的相关过程进行分析,最终得出我国现行铁水联运港站经营管理模式存在的问题,及港站经营管理模式构建和选择时应考虑的影响因素。最后,针对我国铁水联运港站在整个铁水联运链条上横向联合不够广泛的问题,及铁水联运链条“无缝”衔接的要求,对基于多方联合的运营管理模式进行研究,即将目前仅仅铁路和港站联合扩大到铁路、港口、船公司、货代、船代和相关经营人等多方联合,组建以战略联盟为基础的多方联合公司,并对这种模式下运营管理相关内容的协调性运作进行讨论;在此基础上,提出将一关三检引入到港站内、发展港站配送功能,实现港站的多元化经营,构建港站物流中心。

【Abstract】 Rail-water intermodal transport as an important means to realize the seamless connection in passengers and freight transportation is a significant project being implemented. Ports and stations is the connecting point between railway transportation and waterway transportation, if its connecting channel isn’t expedite, the rail-water intermodal will be impossible, while the decision factor in effective functioning is the rationality of station management model. The existing railway station operation and management model can’t meet the operation needs of ports and stations in the rail-water intermodal transport; so, the article intends to start with the connecting mechanism of integrated transportation, based on analyzing the existing operation and management model in ports and stations, explore a new management model, in order to provide some support for the development of rail-water transport.The article analyzes the contents of ports and stations in rail-water intermodal transport, including the process of cargo flows organization, the means of receiving and delivery, the process of plan formulation, the process of custom and three quarantine departments, the means of bills and information relay, and then sums the operation and management characters of ports and stations in rail-water intermodal transport, which is different from the general railway container stations.Secondly, based on introducing of the main economic entity and their functions in rail-water intermodal transport system, integrating the relative strategic alliance, the article discusses the classification of operation and management models, and the factors influenced the construction and selection in operation and management models, and lists Dalian port, Qingdao port, Xiamen port, as the typical stations to analyze their management model and relative process in operation organization. At last, the paper has a conclusion on the question of station in existing operation and management model.Finally, for the question, the horizontal integration is not wide enough in the entire chain of rail-water intermodal transport, and the needs of seamless connection, the article probes the operation and management model based on multi-joint, to expand the horizontal integration, changing the integration between railway and waterway into the integration of railway, port, shipping company, vessel-agency and freight-agency. In this model, a multiple allied company in stations will be established, based on strategic alliance, and the coordination in operation management will be discussed. In the end, the paper proposes custom and three quarantine departments should be introduced into stations and developing the distribution function, to achieve the diversification and build logistics center in station.

  • 【分类号】U169
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】233