

The Research of the Enterprise TV Event Advertising

【作者】 银俊芳

【导师】 杨琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 传播学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 事件广告作为一种有效的广告传播手段,在近些年来逐渐受到国内外企业的青睐,也备受业界和学界关注。研究企业事件广告能充实事件广告相关理论并对提高企业广告策略的创新有着十分重要的现实意义。本文围绕2008年至2010年三年来国内发生的暴风雪灾害、5·12汶川大地震、三聚氰胺事件、北京奥运会、第十六届亚运会、新中国成立60周年及2010上海世博会这七个重大事件,以营销平台梅花网广告监测下的企业电视事件广告为研究对象,系统的分析借鉴了市场营销学、广告学等相关理论研究,将收集到的样本按事件性质归为两类:可预见性事件广告和突发性事件广告。考虑到不同类型的事件其广告表现的差异性,又进一步将样本细分为体育赛事类事件广告、大型展览庆典类事件广告、自然灾害类事件广告和企业产品危机类事件广告四种类型。通过对电视广告的普遍考察指标及事件广告自身的特点进行详细编码,本文对企业电视事件广告的广告表现、诉求特点等方面进行了微观量化研究,客观地分析了企业电视事件广告作品在广告表现、诉求特点及广告文案等方面呈现的规律,并发现企业在不同性质的重大事件下,其事件广告在表现、诉求方面存在的差异性。通过研究发现,可预见性事件广告的画面表现形式较为多样,主要有“情景式”、“名人推荐式”、“动画与特殊效果式”、“广告歌曲式”等类型;在广告诉求方面以情感化诉求为主导,主要诉求点为“企业产品/品牌形象”、“产品功效利益”、“优惠促销活动”和“高品质服务”等;而在突发性事件广告中,广告画面表现形式较为单一,主要以“文字/图片表现式”、“情景式”、“展示式”为主;在广告诉求方面,自然灾害类事件广告以感性诉求为主,企业产品危机类事件广告以理性诉求为主,广告诉求点均为树立企业产品或品牌形象。此外本文还依据具体的企业电视事件广告案例详细阐述了广告诉求重点与事件的切入点。通过研究发现,不同性质的事件下其广告切入点各有侧重,“情感结合关系”是企业电视事件广告普遍运用的切入点。

【Abstract】 Event advertisement,an important marketing method, has becoming more and more populous among domestic and foreign enterprises and attracted more attentions from industrial and academic fields. Researching on event advertisement can enrich relative theories as well as play positive role in improving innovation of corporate advertisement strategy.The thesi s, taking seven big events in China during2008and2010as examples:the storms disaster,5·12Wen Chuan earthquake, the melamine incident, the Beijing01ympic Games,16th Asian01ympics,60th Anniversary of foundation of PRC and2010World Expo, and study the teleyision advertising under the marketing platform www.meihua,info advertising monitoring category, and base on analysis of the system to learn form marketing,advertising and other related theoretical studies, classifieo the collected samples according to the nature of the incident into two eategories: the predictable event advertising and the sudden event advertising. Taking into account the different types of even advertising and their differences of the performance, further divide the sample ads into four types: Sports event AD, Large exhibition and anniversary AD, Natural disaster event AD and Product crisis event AD.Through general indexes of TV ads and combined the characteristics of the of event advertising this paper takes a detailed coding, and research in terms of the advertising performance of enterprise TV event ads at microscopic quantization, and objective analyzes the law presented by the enterprise TV event ad works in advertising performance and the demands of the characteristics of advertising copy, and describe the differences of advertising the performance of its events and appeals exist in the major. Emotion demand is the key point of all demands and appealing point is the "Corporate Production/Brand Image","Interest of production performance","Promotion activity" and "High quality service"; But for most emergent event AD, the screen manifestation is a little dull, mainly displaying in the form of "Texts/images","Scene" and "Display"; In the aspect of AD demands, natural disaster event AD focus on emotion appealing, corporate crisis AD concentrate on rational appeal which is about construction corporate products and brands.In addition, the thesis explains the appealing point and entry point of events with the specific corporate event AD. According to research, different tyes of event AD will have different entry point."Emotion combining with relation" is the common entry point of corporate TV AD.
