

Research on the Method of Defining Logistics Park Hinterland

【作者】 张仪彬

【导师】 陈彦如;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本文针对现阶段我国物流园区建设中凸显的由于数量过多、规模过大问题所导致的物流园区闲置与资源严重浪费现象,提出更加科学地确定物流园区合理规模的方法,即应在物流园区先期规划中准确界定物流园区腹地。通过对物流园区腹地内涵和特征的分析,本文在传统空间划分模型(城市地理学中P.D.Converse的断裂点理论)的基础上引入了计算几何中的Voronoi图理论对物流园区的腹地界定方法进行研究。综合两理论模型各自优势,通过对比分析常规Voronoi图、加权Voronoi图以及基于交通网络的Voronoi图在实际应用中的局限性,提出了基于交通网络的加权Voronoi图物流园区腹地的界定模型,并利用C#语言在结晶生成法的基础上编程了能够直接加载GIS软件中精确地理信息文件的基于交通网络的加权Voronoi图的生成程序。其后,在分析归纳出的影响物流园区中心性强度三大因素的基础上构建了物流园区中心性强度的指标评价体系,继而利用SPSS软件基于主成分分析方法确定出了物理园区中心性强度,其平方根即为基于交通网络的加权Voronoi图模型中的权重因素。最后,在成都市“四中心”的实例中对该理论模型进行了的应用。实践证明此方法模型不仅较好地克服了引力模型、势能模型和断裂点模型等传统腹地界定方法所存在的缺陷,使物流园区腹地的界定更为科学合理,而且进一步完善和丰富了Voronoi图理论,一定程度地扩展了Voronoi图的应用范围,体现了其较高的应用价值。

【Abstract】 Focusing on the phenomenon of the idle logistics parks as well as the serious waste of resources caused by the problem of the excessive numbers and huge scale in the construction of logistics parks in China presently, this paper proposes a more scientific method to determine the reasonable scale for logistics parks, that is to say the logistics park hinterland should be defined precisely at the early stage of logistics park planning.By the analysis of the meanings and characteristics of the logistics park hinterland, and based on the traditional model-P. D. Converse’s breaking point theory in urban geography, the Voronoi diagram theory in computational geometry is introduced into this paper to research on the definition method of the logistics park hinterland. By integration of the respective advantages of those two theoretical models and comparative analysis of the limitations of ordinary Voronoi diagram, weighted Voronoi diagram and Voronoi diagram based transportation network in the practical application, weighted Voronoi diagram based on transportation network model is created to define the scope of the logistics park hinterland. On the basis of the crystal growth algorithm, C#programming language is utilized to generate the program of the weighted Voronoi diagram based on transportation network which can directly load the exact geographical information files of GIS software. Subsequently, based on the analysis and summary of the three factors which influence the logistics park centrality, the indicators system is constructed to assess the logistics park centrality, the square root of which is the weight factor in the weighted Voronoi diagram based on transportation network. Then SPSS software is used to determine the weights in Voronoi diagram based on transportation network model on the basis of principal component analysis. Finally, this theoretical model is applied to the example of "Four Center" in Chengdu.Practices proves that this method not only overcomes the shortcomings existing in the traditional methods such as gravity model, potential model and breaking-point model, which makes the definition of the logistics park hinterland more scientific and rational, but also it further improves and enriches the Voronoi diagram theory as well as expands its application scope to some extent and distinguishes its high application value.

  • 【分类号】F259.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】150
  • 攻读期成果