

Simulation and Optimization of In-Out Storage of Steel Warehouse System Based on Flexsim

【作者】 朱小蓉

【导师】 帅斌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济的快速发展,我国消费结构也产生了重大变化。在生产资料流通领域,钢材占有十分重要的份额,其流通效率直接影响钢材的生产、流通企业,以及下游制造企业的效率和生产方式。作为钢材流通重要组成节点的仓储在加快货物流通与节约流通费用等方面起到了非常重要的作用。目前我国钢材仓储行业还存在着机械化程度低;物流环节设计不合理;专业化程度低以及人员设备利用率低下等问题。因此,如何在钢材仓储系统既有条件下提高整体水平是亟待解决的重要问题。本文就将钢材仓储系统中的出入库作业作为重点研究对象,通过提高出入库作业效率达到提高整个仓储系统运作效率的目的。论文以系统工程基本理论与方法为基础,结合Petri网建模与计算机仿真技术,建立钢材行业通用的出入库Petri网模型,并通过仿真模拟钢材出入库整个作业过程,找出系统薄弱环节并予以优化。本文首先分析了钢材仓储系统的组成、特点、基本流程与评价指标。其次介绍了离散事件系统基本理论,并通过分析比较几种离散事件系统的建模方法,确定了采用Petri网建模方法,并分别建立了钢材仓储的铁路列车入库、汽车入库和汽车出库的Petri网模型。之后对Flexsim仿真软件作了简要的介绍,明确了论文的仿真目标,通过对模型的抽象与简化建立了钢材仓储出入库作业过程的Flexsim仿真模型,验证模型的有效性,并介绍了参数的设定和优化方法。最后将成都大西南铁路储运有限公司的出入库作业作为案例,根据前部分钢材出入库作业的Petri网模型,以调研数据为基础,建立了案例企业仓储出入库作业的Flexsim仿真模型,通过对仿真结果的分析提出改进策略,并且多次仿真计算直至达到对该仓储系统优化的目标。通过分析实例使模型的可行性及优化方法的有效性得到了验证。同时,仿真结果也为企业如何决策提供了理论上的支持,对相关领域的研究也有一定的参考作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of global economics and the great change of consumption structure in our country, steels have a large share in the productive circulating area, and the circulation efficiency directly influences efficiency and production mode of enterprises which producing and circulating steel products and downstream manufacturing enterprises. Warehousing plays an important role in accelerating cargo movement and saving circulation cost as the essential part and node of steel circulation. At present there are many problems such as low level of mechanization, unreasonable design of logistics links, low utilization of staff and equipment. Therefore, the problem how to improve the integral level of steel warehouse system in existing condition needs to be solved promptly. In this paper integral operational efficiency of warehouse system is raised up by taking the in-out storage as the key study object and improving its efficiency.The all-purpose Petri net model of steel industry is constructed with the combination of Petri net modeling technology and computer simulation technology based on basic theory and method of system project. The entire operation process of steel in-out storage is simulated so that the weak links of the system could be found and optimized.First, the characteristics, compositions, basic flows and evaluation indexes of steels warehouse system are analyzed in this paper, which lay a foundation to subsequent optimal research. And basic theories of discrete event systems are introduced. Petri net modeling method is adopted after comparing several modeling methods of discrete event systems. By using this method the Petri net models of train warehousing and automobile in-out storage of steels warehouse are constructed respectively. Then Flexsim software is introduced and simulated objectives are specified. The Flexsim simulated model of operation process of steel in-out storage is constructed by the abstraction and simplification of models. Then the effectiveness of the model is proved and the method of how to set and optimize parameters is introduced. Finally the Petri net model of steel in-out storage is constructed based on the in-out storage operation in Chengdu great southwest railway transportation limited corporation. According to the improvement strategy based on the analysis of simulated consequence, the optimal work of the warehousing system is finished after several times of simulation. The feasibility of model and the availability of optimal method are verified by analysis of the example. At the same time, the simulated consequence provides theoretical support to the decision-makings of enterprises, and it can be taken as a reference in the research of relevant fields.

  • 【分类号】TF345;TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】5
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