

Design on Feeder Protection for Continuous Cophase Power Supply System

【作者】 缪晓宇

【导师】 高仕斌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 电气化铁路具有速度快、运载力强、能耗低等许多优点。目前我国铁路牵引供电方式一般是采用异相供电方式,随着高速重载铁路的广泛运行,由牵引负荷而引起的电能质量等问题引起了关注。同时,由于有“电分相”存在,使得列车的速度和牵引力受到较大损失,影响了机车的正常运行,极大的降低了牵引供电系统的可靠性,制约高速重载情况下列车的正常运行。贯通式同相供电系统可以解决“过分相”以及电能质量等问题,馈线保护研究作为其重要组成部分就显得极为重要。原有的馈线保护配置对于贯通式同相供电系统并不完全适用,因此,研究贯通同相供电方式下的特点,配置合适的馈线保护方案对于高速、重载铁路运输具有非常重要的意义。本文首先在分析AT供电系统以及同相供电系统结构的基础上,讨论了贯通式同相供电系统结构,分析了贯通式同相供电系统的馈线调压原理,讨论了牵引变电所的构建方式,研究了贯通同相供电方式下分区所的连接方式,提出了分区所改进方案。理论研究了贯通式同相供电系统的短路电流、牵引网阻抗、短路阻抗,进行了单、双边供电方式与贯通同相供电方式牵引网阻抗的比较。其次,结合分区所改进方案,给出了贯通式同相供电系统单线、复线示意图。提出了贯通式同相供电系统单线、复线馈线故障隔离流程,牵引网自动重合闸以及供电恢复方案。并根据贯通式同相供电系统的特点及保护原理,提出了馈线保护方案。最后,建立了贯通式同相供电系统MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真模型,对各种短路故障进行了仿真分析,验证了牵引网、短路阻抗特性。利用仿真结果,验证了提出的馈线保护方案的正确性。

【Abstract】 There are a lot of advantages in electrified railway, like fast speed, large capacity, and low energy consumption. At present, we mainly adopt the outphase traction power supply system, meanwhile, along with the comprehensive operation of high-speed and heavy-load railway, the problems like electric power quality caused by traction load arose public concern. At the same time, because of the existence of the electric neutral section, the speed and pulling force of the train suffered great loss, which affects normal operation of locomotive, reduces largely the reliability of traction system, limits the normal operation of locomotive in the condition of high speed and heavy load.Continuous cophase power supply system solves the problems concerning about the electric neutral section and power quality. As an important part of continuous cophase power supply system, the research of feeder line protection is extremely important. Original feeder line protection configuration can not be completely fit for continuous cophase power supply system. So, it is very important to study the features of continuous cophase power supply system and configure appropriate feeder line protection scheme for high speed and heavy load locomotive.Firstly, based on the analysis of AT power supply system and conventional structure of cophase power supply system, the structure of continuous cophase power supply system is discussed, the principle of feeder voltage regulation in the continuous cophase power supply system is analyzed, the construction of the traction substation is discussed, the connection mode of section post of continuous cophase power supply system is put forward. Further, researching short circuit current, traction electric network impedance and short circuit impedance, traction electric network impedance under unilateral and bilateral and continuous cophase power supply system are compared.Secondly, combining with the improvement scheme of connection mode of section post, the sketch map of single and multiline is putting forward. Then, the article puts forward protection process of feeder line for continuous cophase power supply system, single and multiline traction network automatic reclosing scheme and power restoration scheme. Meanwhile, basis on the feature and the protection principle of continuous cophase power supply system, the feeder protection of scheme is put forward.Lastly, we establish a MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation model about through type of continuous cophase power supply system, make simulation analysis of varied types of shorted fault, and prove the impedance characteristic of traction network and short circuit. The simulation results validate the correctness of the feeder preoteciton scheme.
