

The Empirical Research of Electric Car for Customers’Purchase Intention

【作者】 杨婕

【导师】 周国华;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的日渐提高,汽车也成为了社会最主要的代步和出行交通工具。伴随着低碳经济在世界各国的发展以及全球“温室效应”的产生,必须要研发出能替代传统燃油汽车的新能源汽车。从2010年至2012年,国际汽柴油价上调次数达7,从2012年3月20日起,我国汽柴油价正式跨进“8元时代”。面临日益俱涨的汽柴油价格及受制于不可以再生资源条件的制约,电动汽车成为了缓解此压力的最佳替代品选择之一。由此,电动汽车不但成为我国政府研发支持的重点领域,也是世界各国致力投资的研发重点。2010年的“十二五”规划中,政府明确指出要加大电动汽车产业的研发投入以促使我国成为新能源汽车领域的领头羊;同年,电动汽车产业也成为了我国政府低碳经济发展的最重要的扶持行业。根据相关文献和资料查阅结果分析,从实证角度分析消费者对电动汽车购买意愿文献极少,甚至空白。鉴于此背景,本文结合我国现阶段电动汽车的发展实况,从政府、企业、消费者三个角度采用实证研究方法探讨了消费者对电动汽车的购买意愿。论文以基本统计变量年龄、消费者月收入、消费者对电动汽车的推广态度、政府产业政策、生态效益、感知质量、感知价格作为研究自变量,消费者购买意愿的选择行为为因变量。通过二元Logistic回归模型分析,验证研究假设,梳理并确定自变量与因变量之间的关系,并根据回归方程式的计量结果,判断了在现阶段市场条件下,消费者对电动汽车是有强烈的购买意愿。此外,对各自变量及指标与因变量进行偏效应分析。最终数据显示:消费者对于电动汽车购买意愿选择上,自变量影响变化波动由强到弱依次为:月收入>推广态度>产业政策>感知价格>感知质量。自变量“产业政策”测度指标中,消费者购买意愿的影响敏感度由强到弱为:配套设施>税费优惠>财政补贴>宣传推广>技术支持;自变量“感知质量”的测度指标中,消费者购买意愿的影响敏感度由强到弱排列为:充电时长>电池寿命>质量>续航能力>性能;自变量“感知价格”的测度指标中,消费者购买意愿的影响敏感度由强到弱为:实际价格>心理预期价格>价格比差>性价比。希望通过最终数据验证结果,能使政府制定实施更合理的产业政策;消费者可以更理性地进行利益最优化选择;企业可以真正从市场和消费者需求角度进行合理调整。

【Abstract】 As people living standard rise with each passing day, the car also has become the main walking and travel transport in social. With a low carbon economy development of all countries in the world and the global "greenhouse effect" generation, must be developed a new energy vehicles can substitute the traditional fuel automobile. In addition, from2010to2012, the price of gasoline and diesel raised seven times, From March20,2012, China formally entering the gasoline and diesel price$8times. thus the electric car research and development become a key and investment focus in the present stage not only our government also all countries. In government’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan of2010years, explicitly pointed out to increase of R&D investment in the electric vehicle industry, order to impel china become the leader of new energy vehicle field. In the same year, the electric car industry has become the most key support industries at low carbon economy development field. To see the existing literature and material, it lack of the study of the empirical data research. At this background, paper according to the current development of the electric car live, from the government, enterprises, consumers three Angle using the empirical research method to analysis consumer of the electric car purchase intention.Paper mainly use the Basic statistical variables age, consumer income, the promotion of attitude, government industrial policy, ecological benefit, perception quality, price as independent variables, and the consumers’choosing behavior of the dependent variables. Through the binary Logistic regression model analysis, validation research hypotheses, determine the independent variable and dependent variable’s relationship. According to the measurement results, judge the consumer to the electric car is a strong willingness to buy in the present market condition. In addition, do a partial analyzed between respective variables and dependent variable. Final data show that consumers to purchase for electric cars on the choice, the independent variable affect change wave from strong to the weak is as follows: month income> industrial policy> attitude> promotion price> sense perception quality. The independent variable "industrial policy"’s index, consumers’willing from strong to the weak for: supporting facilities> tax concessions> financial subsidies> promotion> technical support; the independent variable "perceived quality"’s index, consumers ’ willing from strong to the weak arrangement for.charging time> life battery life> quality ability> life ability> performance; The independent variable "perception price"’s measure index, consumers’willing from strong to the weak for: the actual price> prices expected price> Ratio difference price> cost effective. Hope the final data validation results, can make the government more reasonable implementation of the industrial policies; consumers can be more rational to benefit optimization choice; enterprise can really from the market and consumer demand make the reasonable adjustment.

【关键词】 电动汽车消费者感知购买意愿
【Key words】 Electric CarCustomerPerceptionPurchase Intention
  • 【分类号】F224;F426.471;F274
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】585
  • 攻读期成果