

Numerical Analysis of Fluid Field&Thermal Field in Side Wind—Generator

【作者】 罗慧强

【导师】 苏虎;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电气工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国政府在政策扶植力度方面的不断加大,以及能源危机感在全球的蔓延,我国风能产业呈现飞速发展的态势,无论是从培育新的经济增长点、提高中国的产业竞争力考虑,还是着眼于减少能源带来的环境污染、应对气候变暖的挑战,都需要风电产业快速健康发展。但目前存在的电机温升和噪音过高问题,严重制约着我公司风电产品的进一步发展。本论文采用ANSYS FLUENT仿真软件对3MW和5MW两种风力发电机的流体动力学和温度场进行仿真分析,并在仿真分析结果的基础上,调整改进电机的技术参数,从而改善电机的散热效果,满足系统要求,大大缩小研发周期,降低研发成本。论文介绍了本课题的背景和该项目对我公司来说的战略意义,详细地介绍了3MW和5MW两种风力发电机的流体动力学和温度场仿真分析过程,对流体场和温度场分析结果进行了认真的研究思考,提出了切实可行的改进措施,并和试验数据对比验证,收到了很好的效果。针对发电机的通风结构及其内部流体的流动特性对电机内热量的传导以及运行性能具有很重要的影响,以一台5MW双馈异步风力发电机和一台3MW半直驱永磁风力发电机为例,根据流体力学以及传热学理论,建立三维流体场与温度场耦合的求解域物理模型,给出了计算边界条件和分析假设条件,采用有限体积法对其进行数值求解,在利用发电机的整体温升对研究方法及计算结果进行校核的基础上,对发电机内不同冷却介质的速度、迹线、温升等参量的空间分布特性进行详细分析。通过计算,揭示大功率发电机内冷却介质流变特性的分布规律,可为同类型发电机的通风结构设计以及更大容量风力发电机流体场的准确计算提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the development of wind power industry in China is booming in a burst due to the policy lunched by the state government with the purpose to foster the industry with increasing efforts, as well as the sense of energy crisis spreading around the world. However, we need a rapid and healthy development of wind power business whether based on the consideration of cultivating new economic growth points and improving China’s industrial competitive force or with the intention to reduce environment pollution caused by energy generation and to face the challenge of global warming. All in all, at present, the existing technology problems, such as excessive motor temperature rise and excessive noise, seriously restrain the further development of wind power business in our company.In this thesis, it despribes how to use ANSYS FLUENT simulation software to perform the fluid dynamics and temperature field simulation analysis for3MW and5MW wind power generators, how to adjust the technical parameters of the generator to improve the cooling effect of the generator to meet the system requirements based on the simulation analysis results so as to greatly reduce development cycle and development costs. This paper introduces the background of the subject and explains the strategic significance of the project for our company, and interprets the analysis process of fluid dynamics and temperature field simulation of3MW and5MW generators in details, carefully investigates the analysis results of fluid field and temperature field, offers practicable improvement measures, and varifies the results with test data, and finally achieves a satisfied end.Heat transfer and operating performance of generator are closely related to the ventilation structure and fluid flow behaviour. Taken a5MW large doubly-fed wind generator and a3MW permant magnent wind generator as examples, present basic hypothesis and boundary condition, physical model of three dimensional fluid and temperature coupled field was established according to hydromechanics and heat transfer theory. On the base of the correctness of researching method and computing result proved by the temperature rise distribution of the whole generator, the space distribution characters of different cooling medium inner generator, such as flow velocity, path line, temperature rise and heat transfer coefficient, were analysed numerically using finite volume method. Rheological properties of cooling medium inner generator was obtained, by which a theory gist for design of ventilation structure for the same type generator and accurate calculation of fluid fields for the larger capacity wind generator is provided.
