

Eco-Efficient Study of the Spatial Structure for Green Space System in Urban Development Area

【作者】 文毅

【导师】 毕凌岚;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化,是人类科学技术文化和社会经济发展的产物。随着随着城市化水平的提高,城市生态环境逐渐恶化,城市绿地系统被寄予改善城市生态环境的厚望,城市绿地系统在世界各国城市建设中的地位日益提高。改革开放三十多年来,尤其是近十年以来,我国的城市化水平显著提高。由于我国原有的的城市化水平相对较低,城市扩张的空间需求十分巨大,城市建成区的规模呈现爆发式增长,城市生态环境水平也急剧恶化。同时,自然地理和社会经济等方面因素的限制,使得在已建成区改造或增加绿地的成本十分高昂。而在城市的待建区域即城市拓展区,建设绿地系统的成本相对较低,也易于建设成体系的绿地系统。绿地系统的服务水平(即生态效能)与其空间结构有着密切的关系。而目前城市绿地系统的规划决策多从定性的角度出发,较为缺乏定量的研究。这些因素使得绿地系统的规划决策在城市规划体系中相对缺乏说服力,往往受制于其他专业规划的影响。本文即是通过建立空间模型的方式,研究探讨在我国目前的城市规划管理体制之下,城市绿地系统的空间结构对城市绿地系统的生态效能的影响,并尝试探讨分析其原因。从而通过空间模型的定量研究分析,为城市绿地系统的规划决策提供技术支持。本文共分为三个主要部分:第一部分包括第一章和第二章,主要是背景研究,是对论文研究的背景、意义、目的和方法以及相关概念和国内外研究的现状做出简要说明。第二部分包括第三章和第四章,通过文献研究、案例分析和对相关城市建设理想的分析总结,探讨空间模型的参数设定以及生态效能的评价方式。第三部分包括第五章至第七章,运用第二部分的研究成果,绘制设定参数的绿地系统空间结构模型,并论证该空间模型的合理性;进而对该绿地系统空间模型进行生态效能的评价分析,探讨影响绿地系统生态效能的影响因素和相互关系。通过这些分析,为城市绿地系统的建设提出相关建议。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the result of the development of human science, culture and economy. As the promoting of urbanization, the urban ecological environment is deteriorating. The urban green space system, anchored with great hope in improving urban ecological environment, has a rising status in the urban construction all over the world.Over the past30years since the introduction of reform and opening to the outside world, especially in the last decade, urbanization in China has a significantly improvement.Due to the former urbanization level in China is relatively low; there is a huge demand of city expansion. As the urbanized area is growing explosively, the urban ecological environment is degenerating rapidly. At the mean time, because of the restriction of both physical geography and social economy, it costs extraordinary high to increase greening land in urbanized area. In contrast, to increase greening land in urban development area costs relatively low. In addition to this, it is easier to build up green space systemly.Eco-efficient of green space system is closely related to its spatial structure.However. the present planning decisions are majorly focus on the qualitative aspect. The quantitative research is scarce.These factors cause the planning decisions lack persuasion in the urban Planning System and it is restricted by other specialty planning.This paper is to research, under Chinese present urban planning administration system, the impact on the Eco-efficient from the spatial structure within green space system by establishing spatial model and to discuss and to analyze the causes.To provide the urban green space system planning decisions with technical support by quantitatively research and analysis, the paper contains the following three parts:The first part, focus on background research, includes two chapters. It is the brief description of the background, significance, purpose, method, relative concept and the present situation of the research home and abroad.The second part includes two chapters, is to discuss the parameter settings of spatial structure and the evaluation method of Eco-efficient by researching literatures, analyzing cases and summarizing the urban construction ideal.The last part contains the fifth chapter to the seventh chapter. Base on the research results of second part, it draws the spatial structure model of green space system which set the parameter and proofs the rationality of the spatial structure. Then it discusses the influencing factors of green space system Eco-efficient and the relation between them by evaluating the Eco-efficient of the green space system spatial structure. On the basis of all the analysis, the paper recommends proposals to the construction of green urban space system.
