

Research on C0-C0250Km/h Locomotive Dynamics

【作者】 何皋

【导师】 陈清;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为全面提高铁路运行的各方面效益,提高机车牵引速度成为铁路发展的必须经历的过程。现阶段我国自主研制生产的高速牵引机车,其运行速度达到了200km/h,为我国250km/h速度等级机车的研发和生产提出了一定的思路和相关的经验,但其横向动力学性能普遍较差,因此要研制满足Co-Co轴式250km/h速度等级机车的动力学要求的高速机车必须提高机车的各个方向的动力学性能,采用驱动装置弹性悬挂和优化悬挂参数后,可以在很大程度上提高高速机车动力学性能,而且当机车在此速度等级运行时,要着重关注线路对机车动力学性能的影响。利用多体动力学软件SIMPACK建立了驱动装置弹性架悬式动力学仿真机车模型,介绍了六轴机车的模型以及轮轨接触关系,给出了相关的运动微分方程,并且介绍了仿真时用到的轨道不平顺的线路,本论文第三章直线仿真分析是在三种轨道线路谱的工况进行的,后面两章的仿真分析是在德国高速高干扰线路上进行计算研究的。文中分析了机车的稳定性,根据根轨迹曲线法得到机车的线性临界速度大约为500km/h以上,用非线性稳定性分析法计算出机车的非线性临界速度可以达到380km/h,并且在不同线路激励下对机车直线运行平稳性进行了计算分析,在给出线路曲线工况后,对机车曲线通过性能进行了对比分析。然后分析机车一二系不同悬挂参数对机车稳定性、平稳性、曲线通过性能的影响,了解机车动力学性能对悬挂参数的敏感程度,全面的掌握了C0-C。机车悬挂参数对机车动力学的影响特性。最后,分析不同驱动装置参数对机车动力学性能的影响,研究了机车各部件动力学性能对驱动装置参数的敏感程度,分别就驱动装置质量、电机吊杆长度以及电机减振器阻尼对机车的稳定性以及横向和垂向动力学性能进行了分析计算。本文通过研究250km/h速度等级机车动力学性能,表明该机车满足以250km/h高速运行的要求,也为Co-Co高速机车发展提供了一定的理论支持。

【Abstract】 To fully improve the benefits of railway operation, increasing speed of locomotive is a particular course. The speed of high-speed locomotive designed by our own country is about200km/h, which put forwards thoughts on developing and producing of high-speed locomotive with a speed of250km/h. However, the lateral dynamic performance of200km/h locomotive needs further improvement. For the Co-Co250km/h locomotive, all the dynamic performances of the high-speed locomotive should be optimized. When flexibility suspension of driving equipment is used and under optimum suspension parameter, the dynamic performances of the high-speed locomotive can be improved to a great extent. In addition, the impact from the line should be paid attention to when the locomotive moves under this high speed.SIMPACK was applied to build a model of driving equipment flexibility suspension dynamic locomotive. Model of the Co-Co locomotive, its wheel-rail contact and motional differential equation, and the irregularities of the track in the simulation were illustrated. This paper in the third chapter linear simulation analysis has been done under three interference lines, and in the paper last two chapters the simulation analysis has been done under German high-speed high interference line.Stability of locomotive was analyzed with two criteria:linear critical speed and non-linear critical speed. Riding quality of locomotive under different lines was computed and analyzed. Curve passing capability of locomotive was analyzed and contrasted under fixed curve parameters.Systematic analysis of impacts on primary suspension and secondary suspension locomotive was had presented, including stability, riding quality, curve passing capability and had known sensitivity of locomotive dynamic performance. Furthermore, impact of Co-Co locomotive suspension parameter on locomotive dynamic performance was comprehensively understood.In the end, effects of different driving equipment parameters on dynamic performance of locomotive have been analyzed and sensitivity of various components in locomotive to driving equipment parameters has been studied. Several factors affected to locomotive stability, lateral and vertical dynamic performance have been analyzed, including mass of driving equipment, length of motor hanger and damper damping of motor. Study of dynamic performance of250km/h locomotive has shown that this locomotive can meet the basic requirement when running at a speed of250km/h, which will provide some theoretical supports for developing C0-C0high-speed locomotive.
