

Based on the Seismic Behavior Psychological Refuge Shelter Space System Research

【作者】 冉茂梅

【导师】 毕凌岚;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 此次汶川地震,引起了大家对避难场所规划的高度重视。在巨大的灾难面前,城市的防灾规划的不足、避难场所的缺乏等问题已经凸显出来。已有的避难地体系规划大都集中在理论层面,避难地指标均沿用一些规范规定的指标,未从避难者的行为心理角度出发。本文通过对成都市汶川地震后的避难行为心理调研数据进行分析,找出居民的避难行为规律,合理地确定出避难地的服务半径。再结合国内外研究的理论基础,总结出避难地选址的基本原则,为避难地空间体系的研究做了一些铺垫,为城市避难地的规划建设提供一定的理论参考。本文的研究工作主要分为以下几个部分:第一部分为绪论,对论文的研究背景、研究目的与意义、研究框架进行简要说明,并对研究的相关概念进行阐释。第二部分国内外相关现状研究,是整篇论文的理论基础。通过对国内外相关文献的研究分析比较,基本了解国内外避难地空间体系的理论知识、体系构成和规划实践等内容,为本文下一步的研究奠定基础。第三部分为主要是避难行为心理规律分析,是本文研究工作的重要组成部分。通过对调研数据的整理分析,找出成都市居民的避难行为规律,确定成都市避难地的规划选址原则,为避难地空间体系的构建提供依据。第四部分为避难地空间体系的构建,是论文的主体。结合之前的国内外理论研究基础以及避难行为心理规律的研究,结合城市用地分类进行分析,在城市各类用地中选择出适宜作为避难地的用地,并对避难地体系的各个组成部分进行平灾转换分析,构建出一个相对合理的避难地空间体系。第五部分是实例研究,结合前文的研究结论,对成都市避难场所规划进行分析评价。通过对成都市避难地现状存在的问题、应急避难场所规划等级结构、避难场所空间体系的规划设计原则、避难场所的规划布局、避难通道规划布局、避难场所市政基础设施规划等几个方面进行评价,找出成都市避难地体系的不足。并根据成都市的现实状况,对成都市避难地空间体系的规划提出了笔者的几点建议。

【Abstract】 The Wenchuan earthquake, causing everyone on shelter planning attention. In the great disaster, the city’s lack of disaster planning, lack of shelter and other issues have been prominent. The refuge system planning has been mostly concentrated at the theoretical level, indicators have been using some of the refuge to the specification of the target, not asylum-seekers from the behavioral and psychological perspective. This article through to the Chengdu City after Wenchuan earthquake evacuation behavior psychological research data analysis, find out the residents evacuation behavior, reasonably determine the sanctuary service radius, the combination of domestic and foreign research, summed up the basic principles of the refuge location, refuge space system made some upholstery, for city of refuge to the planning and construction to provide certain theory reference.The main research work is divided into the following sections:The first part is the introduction, the research background, research purpose and significance, research framework are introduced briefly, and the study of the related concept of interpretationThe second part of the domestic and foreign related researches, this paper is the theoretical foundation of. Based on the related literature at home and abroad research comparative analysis at home and abroad, the basic understanding of the refuge space system theory, system constitution and the planning practice of such content, for the next step of the research lays a foundation.The third part is mainly evacuation behavior psychological analysis of law, is an important part of the research work in this paper. Through the survey data analysis, find out the Chengdu City resident evacuation behavior rule, determine the Chengdu City shelter site planning principles, for the place of refuge space system construction based on.The fourth part is the refuge space system construction, is the main body of the thesis. Prior to combination with the domestic and foreign theoretical research foundation as well as the evacuation behavior psychology research, combined with the city land classification analysis of various types of land use in city, choose the suitable as a place of refuge for the refuge system, and to various parts of the flat disaster analysis, constructs a relatively reasonable refuge space system.The fifth part is a case study, combining the previous research results, on the Chengdu City shelter program analysis and evaluation. Based on the present situation of Chengdu City shelter problems, emergency shelters planning hierarchy, refuge space system planning and design principle, shelter, evacuation planning layout, places of refuge municipal infrastructure planning of several aspects such as evaluation, find the Chengdu City shelter system is insufficient. According to the reality of city of Chengdu. Chengdu City of refuge space system planning the author puts forward some suggestions.
