

Miao Decorative Patterns in Hunan Miao Settlements of Tesidential Landscape Utilization Method

【作者】 王璐

【导师】 胡剑忠;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 苗族的图案纹样是苗人物质和精神的双重载体,其图案纹样历史悠久,丰富多彩,全方位的反映着苗族人们的物质和精神世界。唐代大诗人杜甫曾有“五溪衣裳共云天”的著名诗句,所指的就是这些五彩缤纷的苗族服饰。服饰作为一种生活模式和文化传承的载体,丰富了苗族的历史,它是苗族历史、文化、艺术、宗教、信仰的再现。表达了苗族人民坚忍不拔,锐意进取的民族性格和对生命价值的永恒追求,充满了对自由自在生活状态的热爱。在历史上苗族有多少个支系,就有多少种服饰,很多村寨都自成风格,款式各异。据统计,现当代苗族服饰类型款式多达上百种,而蕴藏在服饰中的图案更是丰富,这是世界上任何一个民族都无法媲美的。这些美轮美奂的图案寄托了苗族人民对于美好生活的精神展望。这些被赋予精神化的图案,需要我们仔细的专研和慢慢的品味,这是在岁月的长河中打磨出的宝藏。同时为我们探索地域性景观提供了深厚的文化底蕴、基础平台和灵感源泉。现代住区景观涉及自然地理、人文历史、传统底蕴等多个方面,本文将苗族传统装饰图案纹样和现代住区景观空间相结合,用现代的设计手法借鉴传统苗族图案,在景观设计中体现传统苗族纹样,创造出拥有本土文化、地域特性、民俗风情的景观空间,目的在于创造富有特色的城市景观空间,为居民提供舒适、宜人的生活环境。希望能在设计中融入苗族同胞的思想情感,力求展现在眼前的地域文化景观空间能够唤起大家共同的回忆。在这些极具特色的视觉图案中,挖掘艺术之美结合现代人的生活习惯和审美情趣,提取整合、抓住特点、灵活运用,设计出带有苗族地域内涵的现代住区景观空间。这不仅有助于苗族装饰图案的发展和传承,又能够充分展现当代景观设计形式的多样化,这是对民族艺术和现代设计相融合的一种探索。通过对湘西苗族聚居地地域文化进行深层挖掘,继承传统文化精华,并发扬光大,使居住区的现代景观设计具有独特的风貌和艺术魅力。

【Abstract】 The design patterns of the Hmong is Hmong material and spiritual dual carrier, a long history of design patterns, colorful and reflects the full range of the Miao people’s material and spiritual world. Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu had the Wuxi clothes the sky "famous poem referred to is the colorful Miao clothing. Carrier of clothing as a way of life and cultural heritage, rich history of the Hmong, it is the reproduction of Hmong history, culture, art, religion, faith. Expression of the Hmong people perseverance, forge ahead of national character and value of life eternal pursuit of love, full of free living conditions.The number of branches in the history of Hmong, there are how many kinds of costumes, many villages have its own style, different styles. According to statistics, modern and contemporary Hmong clothing type styles up to hundreds of species, and embedded in clothing patterns, which is any nation in the world are not comparable. These patterns and placed the spiritual outlook of the Hmong people for a better life, these have been given the spirit of the pattern, we need to carefully specializes in and slowly taste, which is grinding out the treasures in the long course of years. At the same time for us to explore the regional landscape provides a rich cultural heritage, the basic platform and source of inspiration.Modern residential landscape involves many aspects of physical geography, cultural history and traditional heritage of Hmong traditional decorative design patterns and modern settlements landscape space with modern design techniques to draw on traditional Hmong decorative patterns in the landscape design embodying traditional the Miao patterns, to create with the local culture, geographical features, the folk customs of the landscape space, the aim is to create a distinctive urban landscape space, to provide a comfortable, pleasant living environment for residents. Into the thoughts and feelings of the people of Miao nationality in the design, and strive to show the space in front of the geographical and cultural landscape can evoke common memories.Mining the beauty of art combined with the modern lifestyle and aesthetic appeal of these unique features, the visual pattern, extraction integration, to seize the characteristics of the flexible use of modern settlements landscape space design with Hmong geographical connotation. This is not only help Hmong decorative pattern and heritage, but also be able to fully demonstrate the diversification of forms of contemporary landscape design, which is an exploration of the integration of national art and modern design. Deep mining settlements of regional culture of Miao traditional culture inherited and carried forward, the residential area of?the modern landscape design has a unique style and artistic charm.

【关键词】 苗族地域图案纹样文化底蕴景观设计艺术
【Key words】 MiaoDistrictPatternCulture informationLandscape designArt